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lalalalalalla test
lalalalalalla test
* i am poop
<maquee> test </maquee>
<maquee> test </maquee>
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<font size=25>Poop is Good</font><br>
Line 121: Line 121:
Listen to my wonderful words of wisdom! Follow my ways, fellow Homestar Fans and we will drink Cold Ones and eat lots of funny monkey FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!
Listen to my wonderful words of wisdom! Follow my ways, fellow Homestar Fans and we will drink Cold Ones and eat lots of funny monkey FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!
<font size=40>'''BIG DOGGIES DROP BIGPOOPY'''</font><br>
<font color=red>Red is the the color of naughty bladder infections!</font><br>
<font color=green>Green is the color of the boogers in my nose!</font><br>
<font size=40> '''''EAT POOPY! EAT POOPY NOW!</font><br>
Your head asplode! Your Poopy asplode! WITCHES BREW!

Revision as of 21:33, 12 January 2005


The Sandbox is an HRWiki namespace page designed for testing and experimenting with wiki syntax. Feel free to try your skills at formatting here: click on edit, make your changes, and click 'Save page' when you are finished. Content added here will not stay permanently. If you need help editing, see Help:Editing.

73|-| 54|\||>b0>< (|-||2\/\/1|<1:54|\||>b0><) 157 4 |-||2\/\/1|<1 |\|4|\/|35p4c3 p463 |>3516|\|3|> f0|2 73571|\|6 4|\||> 3><p3|21|\/|3|\|71|\|6 \/\/1|<1 5\-/|\|74><. f331 f|233 70 7|2\-/ \-/0|_||2 5|<i115 47 f0|2|\/|4771|\|6 |-|3|23: cl1c|< 0|\| 3|>17, |\/|4|<3 \-/0|_||2 c|-|4|\|635, 4|\||> cl1c|< '54\/3 p463' \/\/|-|3|\| \-/0|_| 4|23 f1|\|15|-|3|>. c0|\|73|\|7 4|>|>3|> |-|3|23 \/\/i11 |\|07 574\-/ p3|2|\/|4|\|3|\|71\-/.

4150, p13453 |<|\|0\/\/ 7|-|47 7|-|15 p463 15 |\|07 c|24\/\/13|> b\-/ 534|2|c|-| 3|\|61|\|3 |20b075. 7|-|3 4|>|\/|1|\|5 |-|4\/3 |_|53|> 4 '|20b075.7><7' fi13 70 3><c1|_||>3 7|-|15 p463 f|20|\/| 534|2c|-| 3|\|61|\|3 |24|\||<1|\|65. p3|>|>13 \-/0|_||2 \/\/4|23z 3153\/\/|-|3|23 p13453. 7|-|4|\||<

WTF mate?--Psycho 18:54, 7 Jan 2005 (MST)

It's the sandbox notice (at the top) in leetspeak (more like lamespeak). -woddfellow2| 01:40, 9 Jan 2005 (MST)

Ok... _ =Hi= \/\/ | fc :

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

lalalalalalla test

<maquee> test </maquee>

Stave it off,

  1. Whaddya
  2. Know,
  3. Haddi-man? -Henkestarrunner Leetwad




  1  222 333
 11    2   3
  1  222 333
  1  2     3
 111 222 333


you can
count to 'THREE!'

  • ...ooh, I feel special muddling around with the Sandbox.

what the heck is up with that leetspeak?

  • all I know is that it is the spawn of satan, always seems to show up when you don't feel like making the effort to read it

just playing in the sandbox...don't mind me... *wields her rake and spade*


Hey Buhbs! I jist lost me jenga-jam! --homstarroadrunner 16:20, 11 Jan 2005 (MST)Homestarroadrunner

Sadly... the last two e-mails have sucked

You still smell like pea soup...

DO NOT ERASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The quadratic formula a splode!

Rob of the Sky 21:45, 11 Jan 2005 (MST)
Definition list 
Rob of the Sky's favourite wordz
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
Deja Vu 
A feeling that something is happening that has happened before.
The art of angering other people for no reason. e.g. Repeating a certain phrase over and over again.

Listen to my wonderful words of wisdom! Follow my ways, fellow Homestar Fans and we will drink Cold Ones and eat lots of funny monkey FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!

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