Happy 8600

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Happy 8600: Homestar Runner's laptop.

The Happy 8600 is the laptop that Homestar Runner uses in email thunder. Strong Bad liberally applies an enormous bottle of Mountain Dew to the "Happy", with spectacular results. It seems to have been replaced with the Arturo 9000.

It is apparently produced by the Tandy company, as made evident by the Tandy logo on the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Quick Facts

Debut: email thunder

Font: Green Screen


  • An email client — The file name of the client has never been revealed.

The Real Computer

The Happy 8600 is modeled after an XO-1, an inexpensive laptop distributed as part of the One Laptop per Child project. The laptop was made available to North American consumers during the 2007 holiday season in a "Give 1 Get 1" offer. Ironically, the XO-1 keyboard is designed to resist liquids.

A possible influence to the Happy 8600's appearance is when The Brothers Chaps, along with other Internet celebrities, signed a XO-1 laptop at ROFLCon that was later auctioned for charity.

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