The Strong Badian Administration of Some Aluminum Foil

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Kick-awesome logo

The Strong Badian Administration of Some Aluminum Foil (also known as SBASAF pronounced "space-aff") is Strong Badia's space program. It is a definitely-for-profit venture dedicated to the manned taping of aluminum foil to cardboard.


SBASAF has a 30-vessel fleet, constructed of cardboardium alloy. Its flagship is known as The Proud Anselmo. The mission of SBASAF is to accompany 15 earth dollars on a round trip journey to the closest reaches of space. According to their vague understanding of the theory of relativity, the muscular crew will only age a few hours but the money will age to roughly $1 million (in the form of three gold bars).


The Strap and Ltnrl. Captainface, battling mutant forces on the Satrianian front, with Ted Averill in the background.

First Lieuteneral Space Captainface is the leader of the two person crew, played by Strong Bad. The fleet's only mechanic appears to be Harold "Strap" Coopmore (aka The Strap), played by The Cheat. The on ground flight engineer is Ted Averill, who smokes a smooth and relaxing cigarette. He is played by the Tire. Strong Mad isn't part of the crew but aids in the adventures by supplying the shaking effects of launch. Homestar Runner unknowingly played a space "myoot-ant" from Satriani V.

They spent most of their budget on a kick-awesome logo and an orientation filmstrip featuring as many hot 60's looking girls as possible. They used the experimental $15 on a Sound F/X CD, which is operated by The Strap.