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Revision as of 21:20, 7 April 2008 by DorianGray (Talk | contribs)
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Klown Kare

This page needs some serious klown kare, and not just the funny kind. No, I'm talking DEATH METAL KLOWN KARE! Y'know, cause I heard of this band with a clown mascot or sumtin. Whatever, just fix it! --Homfrog 11:19, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

The page doesn't look too bad to me, but I cleaned some of it up. Shwoo 11:27, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
Could we also get a different image to match the current caption or give the current image a different caption? Seriously, the line is not said at that part, and you don't want the Bros. Chaps to use the current image when they post the email on Podstar Runner in the next few months, do ya? --Charlie Jr. 14:50, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

Missing Scene Transcript?

What about the scene that follows the film-rating screen where Strong Bad attempts to get into a movie he isn't old enough for, along with Bubs and Coach Z? This article seems to end just before that scene. What gives?

on it, y'all --Zatchman (Neumannz) 17:26, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

Explaining the R

Does someone want to take a stab at explaining how this is kind of a twist on how before movie ratings had the NC-17 designation, they got an X rating, but there were XXX ratings as well, but there was never any official explanation to the public as to what the difference was between X, XX, and XXX? It really does seem to be based on this, as despite TBC's strong desire to not reference pornography directly, their blurry "RRR-movies" is clearly a reference to the early days of cable with the blocked out pornographic channels, which was also when the X vs XXX issue was public.-- 20:10, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

For reference, there is not and never was an official "XXX" rating - according to Wikipedia (and some other source I read in the past) adult movie makers deliberately gave movies an "XXX rating" on their own to make their movies look even more enticing. --Jay (Talk) 16:38, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
The only rating that exist is the X-rating. However, you have to pay money to have your movie be rated, so adult movie makers just add in an "XXX rating", both to make the movie exiciting, and to save money sending it over to the review board. Nobody has given an "XX"-rating movie, because it just sounds plain dumb.-- 18:22, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

Right...I'm aware of both of those...but at the time, there were all sorts of unofficial explanations thrown around. (Remember, this is before wikipedia, this was back in the days when there wasn't a ready available source of answers on popculture.) And, at the time, explaining the difference between an X rated a XXX rated movie included all sorts of weird claims. Yes, it was pure advertising, but the assumption of those who were looking felt that there was some basis for the rating. And yes, I've never heard of a XX movie either, but in the urban legend explanation, I assure you, people were coming up with classifications for them. -- 20:10, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

SB's dad?

I'm probably reading way too far into it, which is why I'm not putting it on any article, but how telling is it that he says Coach Z "only kinda" looks like his mother, but says nothing about Bubs's resemblance to his father? --Jay (Talk) 17:31, 7 April 2008 (UTC)


yo's, can somebody start trivia-ing and inside reference-ing the movie posters? --Zatchman (Neumannz) 17:34, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

Aren't the movie posters the same ones as the RRR-rated movies SB had only just mentioned? --Jay (Talk) 17:40, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
Oh, oh, OOOOOOHHHHHH!!! You meant the people ON the posters. Wight, wight. --Jay (Talk) 17:44, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
Yes, but there seem to be some hidden jokes there. For example, I did catch Cherry Greg listed in the credits of one film. wbwolf (t | ed) 17:45, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
I also caught A. Chimendez on one of them. I think it was the second. -YKHi. I'm Ayjo! 17:49, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

Fists of One-Through-Twenty Four

would the fists of knuckles series be a reference to rocky, which is not only a fighting series, but is the prototypical--and unless i am mistaken, the most made-fun-of--"too many sequels" series...? --Zatchman (Neumannz) 18:54, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

Coach Z, fuh-ree-kee!

Coach Z really wants to be a mom doesn't he? First it was garbage sale and now this! He is confuuuuuused!

-Alex H.


has anybody unscrambled the image on the tv at the end? I don't even know if it's possible, but it looks like there's a puppy in it.

Image:Blurry TV Screen.PNG
Here's two images from the decompiled Flash file. That's as good as they get in the actual toon. --DorianGray 20:57, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

"G" for "Green"

Um, it says in the Trivia section that green rating screens are only for G-rated screens. Not true. --Abelhawk 21:14, 7 April 2008 (UTC)

Noted and removed. --DorianGray 21:20, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
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