From Homestar Runner Wiki
| This user also contributes to the Fanstuff Wiki...occasionally.
| This user often finds and reverts vandalism.
| This user found the wiki from a Google search.
| This user is 18 years old.
| This user is right handed.
| This user lives in Texas. YEAH.
| This user's favorite character is Bubs.
| This user can run faster than Kid Speedy...but not by much.
| This user knows that The Cheat is behind the freaking box.
Hey guys! It's everybody's favorite piece of totally not completely inactive for almost enternity computer hardware, Color Printer!
Favorite Lines
STRONG BAD: Look, The Cheat is behind the freaking box!
STRONG BAD: Were all the sit-around-and-suck-out-loud places closed?!?
STRONG BAD: Cheer up, Bubs! At least you're not on fire!
BUBS: That's the best compliment you could come up with?
Major/Minor/Whatever Contributions
Subtitle Contributions