I really like your costume
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 17:43, 20 October 2014 by Broncotroll (Talk | contribs)
Homestar Runner often will mistake a costume that someone (including himself) is wearing for another person. These mistakes are often bizarre or ludicrous. He appears to be certain his wild assumptions are correct, even going as far as phrasing the mistaken recognition as a compliment to the wearer, rather than simply a question of what they're supposed to be. This began, naturally, as a Halloween joke and has become enough of a running gag that it has happened on several occasions in other toons as well.
- Debut:The House That Gave Sucky Treats — "Hey, Strong Bad, I really like your costume. The Spanish Inquisition? That's great." (Carmen Sandiego)
- 3 Times Halloween Funjob —
- "Hey, Strong Bad, I really like your El Debarge costume." (Ozone)
- "Say, Bubs, I really like your dirty man outfit." (Mel Sharples)
- "Hey, Coach Z, I really like your Wesley Snakes outfit." (Kool Moe Dee)
- Jibblies 2 — "King of Town, I gotta hand it to ya: that is one great melted Don King outfit." (Rev. Al Sharpton)
- Most in the Graveyard — "Hey, Homestar, I really like your Carrot Top costume." (Yahoo Serious(ly))
- Doomy Tales of the Macabre Teaser — "Hey, everybody, I really like your covered all in black ink costumes. Kinda stole my idea, though. Don't you think?" (Silhouettes)
- Decemberween Short Shorts — "Hey, Strong Bad, I really like your rhinestone cowboy costume." (A Christmas tree ornament made of sequins)
- Email yes, wrestling — "Hey, Strong Bad. I really like your Rudy from Fat Albert costume." (Il Cartographer)
- Halloween Safety — "Hey Homestar, I really like your that one guy from MAD magazine costume."