From Homestar Runner Wiki
Seriously is Homestar Runner's catch phrase. Due to his speech impediment, he pronounces it "sewiously".
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[edit] Homestar Runner
- Fan Stuff — "Seriously, Pom-Pom, I'm a total pumpkin."
- Wallpaper download — "Seriously."
- Store Bumper Sticker — "Seriously."
- A Jumping Jack Contest — "Seriously, Pom Pom, I'm about to pee my pants."
- In Search of the Yello Dello Theatrical Trailer — "No seriously, what?"
- A Mother's Day Message — "You had to say it. Pom Pom, seriously. He had to say it."
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 2.0 — "Seriously, that is not what I said, at all."
- Fluffy Puff Commercial — "Seriously, folks, they're the best."
- First Time Here? — "Okay, this time I'm totally gonna get it. Seriously, you guys."
- TV Time Toons Menu — "Ummm... Seriously."
- Email english paper — The half-eaten breakfast burrito that was put on eBay was eventually pulled from the auction when the bid was maxed out. After the cancellation, Homestar left a message reading "Sewiouslwy guys, this thing is half eaten afterall."
- 3 Times Halloween Funjob (Easter egg) — "Seriously! You can't be serious! That ball was on the line!"
- Email lunch special — "Oh man, that is so fake. Seriously. You can totally see the strings!"
- Summer Short Shorts — "Seriously, Pom Pom. You and me, we're like two breads in a biscuit. Two breads in a biscuit!"
- Strongest Man in the World
- "All right, seriously. At first it was cute, but this is just borderline unsportsmanlike!"
- "All right, seriously, Pom Pom. Gimme the golbol!"
- Date Nite — "Seriously, Strong Strong, we've gotta do something about this."
- The Baloneyman — "Seriously, Strong Sad, you'll make millions!"
- Homestar Ruiner — "Seriously, Strong Bad, I find that very unlikely..."
- Strong Badia the Free — "No seriously, do you have any fruit to declare?"
- Most in the Graveyard — Homestar, dressed as Yahoo Serious, says "Yahoo Seriously, Pom Pom, I'm about to pee my pants," echoing A Jumping Jack Contest. His rollover text at the end of the toon adds an "(ly)" to the end of his costume's name, resulting in "Yahoo Serious(ly)".
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective (as Dangeresque Too) — "Seriously, ouch!"
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2 — Bubs says "Seriously" is Homestar's catch phrase.
- Halloween Hide & Seek —
- After bouncing on the trampoline outside Bubs' Concession Stand, Homestar says "Seriously! I'm gettin some serious air!"
- Using the Trampoline on the window of the King of Town's Castle has Homestar comment "Yeah! Let's throw the trampoline at the window! Seriously, though, a trampo is not a bad idea. It just needs to be on the ground."
[edit] Strong Bad
- Strong Bad Lib from A Jumping Jack Contest — "No, seriously. I'm a pretty (adjective) person."
- Main Page 11 — "Seriously, I Really Shoulda Won All Those Times!"
- Email i she be — "Okay, seriously. All I gotta say about this is... GET IN LINE SISTER!!!"
- First Time Here? — "No, seriously. I'm Strong Bad, and you don't know it yet, but I'm the reason you're here. Check me out! No, seriously, check me out."
- Email new hands — "I am still awesome. Seriously."
- It's Like It Was Meant to Be — "I'm seriously not kidding."
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2 — "Seriously... put some stuff in the street!"
- Email the facts — "Homestar, a cartoon starring you would be horrible. It'd just be you saying 'Sewiously' all the time and acting like a moron... all the time."
- Homestar Presents: Presents — "Ugh, it goes on and on like this. Seriously. Like until New Year's."
- Email long pants — "You made Homestar go nuts and you've seriously creeped me out."
- Homestar Ruiner — "Seriously, quit trying to handle my style."
- Email business trip — "I think we should seriously talk about your name, Roxy."
- Strong Badia the Free
- "Seriously! I mean... wait. Why are YOU upset?"
- " Seriously, your Dumpness."
- "Dang! Seriously? With the red tips and everything?"
- Email email thunder — "[emailing Homestar] Sewiously Yours, Abdi"
- Baddest of the Bands
- [after joking about Coach Z being cool] "But seriously..."
- "Man, repainting this is seriously gonna deplete Strong Badia's treasury."
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective (as Dangeresque)
- "I can't tell you how many times I've broken in and out of this place. Seriously, I can't tell you. I'm under a gag order from the courts."
- "Looks like I'm seriously gonna have to jump!"
- 8-Bit is Enough
- "[responding to sbemail] But seriously, what are you supposed to do in a game where you can't die?"
- "Seriously, let me into Trogdor's lair!"
[edit] Other Characters
- Halloween Fairstival (by Bubs) — "I mean, seriously, people, it's the '90s!"
- Happy Hallow-day (by Strong Sad) — "Seriously, we have to find Halloween Night."
- Jibblies 2 (by Strong Sad) — "That means you should seriously stop hogging all the hot chicks."
- Quality Time with Cardboard Homestar (by Cardboard Homestar) — "Sewiously, Marzipan, how do you get so smart?"
[edit] Other Appearances
- Hairstyle Runner — One picture of the gallery is labeled "seriously...".
- Email marzipan — Hooray4dolphins sends a Webdings message that reads, "I seriously hope you didn't somehow decode this."
- Awexome Cross — On the title page, accompanying the words "collect much buxx", "get turbos", etc. is "seriously".
- Hallrunner — "Seriously. Time to call it quits."
- Peasant's Quest — "Behold the TrogShield! No seriously, behold it."
- FAQ — "No seriously, what is the deal with Super Kingio Bros?"
- Stinkoman 20X6 — "Stinkoman better think seriously about jumping o'er thems."
- Commandos in the Classroom — At the end, a new lesson is introduced: "Next week... Lesson 5: Listen you guys, you seriously need to start showering everyday".
- Weekly Fanstuff (September 22, 2005) — A barbecue with "seriously" painted on it.
- Email bedtime story — The Cheat's certificate reads, "This paper right here seriously signifies that getting the Cheat to freaking go to sleep has hereby achieved RIGAMAROLE STATUS".
- Thy Dungeonman 3
- "Things continue in similar, gruesome fashion until thou art seriously pecked through."
- "Seriously though, game over."
- "Seriously. Darn if ye had not slept through the conversation part of charm school."
- "Seriously ye: strike high, strike low, or strike middlin?"
- Weekly Fanstuff (April 27, 2006) — "Seriously talented clown".
- Store — "Homestar's 10th Birthday, My, How You've Seriously Grown!"
- Podcast description of kids' book — "Strong Bad seriously defaces a children's book."
- 8-Bit is Enough — "Seriously, get ye flask."
- Xeriouxly Forxe — Twice the letter "x" is used in lieu of "s".