From Homestar Runner Wiki
The word Total is often used to add emphasis to words or concepts in Homestar Runner. This is typically done in a manner similar to the adverb "totally", though rarely in a grammatically correct manner. Strong Bad in particular emphasizes things by describing them as "total".
[edit] Appearances
- All Strong Badman comics are entitled "The Total Adventures of Strong Badman".
- Strong Bad Talker — One of the words in the talker is "total". Also, originally the code in order to unlock the Strong Bad Main Page was "Homestar is nothing but a total loser".
- Main Page 11 — The Download button effect cuts to Strong Bad announcing that "Today's forecast is total crap!"
- Email trevor the vampire — Strong Bad opens the email with "I'm totally checking my email. Total, man."
- Email stand-up — The VCR is labeled "VHS TOTALTRONICS".
- Email CGNU — One of the degrees offered at Crazy Go Nuts University is "Total Spaceship Guy".
- Email superhero name — Strong Badman's death ray plan is captioned "TOTAL DEATH RAY".
- The Interview — The door outside the smoky office reads "Strong Bad: Total Journalist".
- Email lures & jigs — Fishing Challenge '91 is made by Totalsoft Electronicals LLC,,.
- Strong Bad's Website — The page title is "Total Grodal".
- Email autobiography — One of the words on the cover of Words I Probably Said is "total".
- Email the bet — After Strong Bad confirms either outcome of the bet, Homestar Runner replies, "That's the deal, man. The total deal."
- Email different town — Coach Z's "cool jacket" reads "Totally style!"
- Cheat Commandos — When Blue Laser Commander orders his men to "crush the Cheat Commandos!", the screen in the background reads "OPERATION: DON'T CRUSH OURSELVES T-MINUS: TOTAL".
- Email secret recipes — Strong Bad states that his family comes from Bumdumbourge, which is near Totalslava.
- Commandos in the Classroom — When asked if Fightgar should be shot, a Blue Laser minion replies, "Abso-total-lutely!"
- Email alternate universe — One of the ingredients Homestar uses to make a real fruit smoothie is a jar of "Total Load".
- This product shows up again in Homestar Ruiner and Strong Bad uses the phrase in Loading Screens.
- Email keep cool — Homestar describes the huge displacement of water created by Strong Mad as a "total wave".
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 14.2 — When pretending to be an automated phone robot, Strong Bad asks Marzipan to "press or say 'total yes'".
- The Strong Badman T-shirt reads "The Total Adventures of Strong Badman".
- Baddest of the Bands — Strong Sad's film camera is called the "Totalmatic SuddenShot".
- Loading Screens — Strong Bad says "total load". The toon ends with "totally loaded."
- Later That Night... Teaser — Decompiling the Flash file reveals the message "total cop-out" underneath the silhouettes.
- Disk 4 of 12 - FriendlyWare — Strong Bad edits the graphics of the Sea Battle game to name his battleship the "S.S. Totalbelow".
- Dangeresque Roomisode 2: The Intersection of Doom & Boom — Dangecaresque is equipped with a Totaltronics Symptom-7 No-Fi radio.