From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 06:01, 16 July 2005 by Soakologist (Talk | contribs)
The name Dan appears on Homestar Runner several times, mainly in the newer games. The name is frequently used as "[verb] 'em up, Dan!" and "[adjective] Dan". After being interviewed by HSR.net member "Dan" in late 2003, the use of "Dan" became more prolific.
- In TROGDOR!, a cut-scene features Trogdor burninating four peasants in a row, with the caption "fry 'em up, Dan!"
- This is a quote from Shel Silverstein's poem "Ladies First".
- In Peasant's Quest, if you try to jump into the lake, it'll tell you "Not so fast, Swimmer Dan!"
- In Thy Dungeonman 2 and Peasant's Quest, typing 'dan' will result in a message about Dan's status.
- In Stinkoman 20X6, the Stinkomanual contains a section on Terrel, in which it reads "Blast em up, Dan!"
- In The House That Gave Sucky Treats, they make reference to Kewpie Dan.
- In sibbie, Strong Bad calls The Cheat "Clever Dan".
- In Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 7, Strong Bad makes a prank call as "Safety Dan".
- In Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2, Homestar Runner calls himself "Boyfriend Dan".
- In the e-mail anything, Homestar answers an email from "Dan from FL," but Homestar calls him Jerome.
- In the e-mail monster truck, Strong Bad answers an e-mail from "Stan and Loretta," but he refers to them as "Dan and Linda."
- In the e-mail kind of cool, Strong Bad stresses the dan in the sender's name, Jordan.
- In the Strong Lib easter egg from the e-mail lackey, the sentence begins with "No, dan..."