User talk:Sir Strong Bad

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Revision as of 19:30, 19 November 2005 by Stinkoman K (Talk | contribs)
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An electronic reply!

Dear Sir Strong Bad, stop.

Have you any idea why The Sneak is so prone to explosions? Stop.

Sincerely, President Cold One, stop.

Dear Carpet Bagger

I have no idea why my The Sneak is so succeptible to random acts of combustion! It is quite a baffling situation!



Blast it! I say, my telegramophone doesn't have a monitor, so I can't even see it. Curses! I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the tip, you buffoon.

The What For

Hey there Sir Strong Bad. I replied to you on my talk page. Quick thing here, though: Posting the same generic message on several talk pages is considered spam here. Just a heads up. Thanks for understanding. — It's dot com 02:22, 16 November 2005 (UTC)

You buffoon! I often change the headings on my generic electronic greetings! Bwahaha! Just engaging in a joke! The rules are so strict 'round here, I say! Does anyone ever get pummeled for violating them? Yes... That would be quite intriguing... Yes...

Not pummeled, per se. Just boiled in hot butter. :) — It's dot com

I see... The Kaiser here says that the punishment is not too bad.


Um it is I, DBK. STOP

I bid you greetings from 2005. STOP

Its nice to meet you. STOP

Feel free to drop me a line any time. STOP


burger7da.jpg Sir DBK|(my talk)

2005!? What in blazes!? I thought I was reaching the year 1987! Curses! Now I must get rid of my updated photograph of me with notoriously long hair!

A Notice

Dear Sir Strong Bad STOP

You have gone over the word limit on your electronic message STOP

You must pay a 25-cent extension fee STOP

Sincerely, STOP

The Superfied Telegraph Union STOP

25 cents!? BAH! I will pay no such fee! I shall see that The Strong Man flosses his mandibles with your spine!

A letter bearing the seal of the royal house of Sweden

To the illustrious Sir Strong Bad, peer of the realm, Free Country USA:
     Permit me to introduce myself as AbdiViklas, heir to the throne of Sweden. I am pleased to say I received your telegrammaparcel promptly and in the best of health. May I be the first to wish you joy of your arrival upon our gladsome shores! It is my fervent wish that you be nourished with the sweet milk of humankindness at the nurturing bosom of the glorious motherland, strengthening daily 'til you have tasted of the fierce draught of freedom flowing in the plenteous bowl of wikidom!
     If it would be no imposition, might I venture to suggest that you sign your posts with three (or four, as the humor strikes you) tildes, thusly: ~~~~? While a flowing, refined hand is a mark of true distinction, the adoption of this expedient electronic signet secures felicities of greater weight and import than your own ease. If properly executed, it renders your signature a link of the utmost clarity from wheresoever you should implement it directly to your user page! Lacking this nicety, I was forced to consult the annals of my "Page History" to ascertain to whom I owed the honor of your correspondence. Three tildes will provide your username, "WrestleMan," while four will add the time and day (as I will demonstrate at the close of this epistle). If, however, you wish your signature to reflect your title and peerage (as who should not?), there is yet a shift that will serve: simply close with [[User:WrestleMan|Sir Strong Bad]]! This ingenious device functions similarly to the solid gold pocket-watch you cherish: the first half, before the |, like the cogs and springs, ensures the proper working of the curious engine; the latter half, like the filigree faceplate, masks and conceals the workings behind a fair facade, and is itself alone visible.
     Having expended quite enough of my best india ink and your most gracious patience, I beg you will permit me to take my leave of you, only adding in conclusion that, should you have occasion to desire succor or counsel on any matter of the wiki, the resources of the crown of Sweden and my own humble assistance are entirely at your disposal. I remain, as ever, your humble servant,
     AbdiViklas 02:58, 16 November 2005 (UTC)

My oh my! However did you manage to type so many letters and sentences without running out of typewriter ink? But I digress... Thank you oh so much, AbdiViklas of Sweden. I, Sir Strong Bad of Free Country USA humbly thank you for your services. Perhaps we could work together in the near future! Well, until next time!

So long, not buffoon! WrestleMan 03:54, 16 November 2005 (UTC) (Holy soup bonds! It worked!)

A Telegramaphonic Reply

Dear Sir Strong Bad STOP

I recivied your message earlier today STOP

I would be delighted to make your aquaintance STOP

Please contact me again to confirm agreement STOP

With quite a few regards,

SBadiaRula 17, Nov. 2005

P.S.-Please continue to plummit those less fortunate than you STOP

I say, we are thrilled to have your acquaintanceship within our pack of meddling scoundrels, Sir Rula! In enough time, you too could be a scoundrel like us!

A Telegramophonic Follow-up!

Dear Sir Strong Bad STOP

I relish that fateful day STOP

Please inform me of your future mishaps STOP

Also, tell that rather dapper swindler The Sneak to continue pushing The Homestar Runner of his flying machine STOP

I bid you good tidings STOP


SBadiaRula 18, Nov 2005

Yes, The Sneak is quite the phenom when it comes to foiling The Homestar Runner's plans! Bwa ha ha! In fact, I think The Homestar Runner has once again taken my cheese melting device without consent. Curses! I shall show him whats for!

Yet another telegramophonic follow-up!

Yes, you go give him the whats for! STOP

You and I think very much alike, I see STOP

Also, have you ever thought of using The Sneak's cumbustable propreties to power your horselessly-drawn carrige? STOP


SBadiaRula 18, Nov. 2005

P.S.-How did you enjoy my viewable electronic page? STOP

Yes, The Homestar Runner now has the whats for dripping from his ear holes!...? As for The Sneak's explosive properties... you see, his combustions usually occur spontaneously and at random moments, otherwise I would exploit him like a poor sap! Your viewable web page was quite intriguing. I dare say that I am something of an artist myself, you see. What brand of telegramophone do you own? Mine is a Telly 400.

More Replying!

Dear Sir Strong Bad STOP

I'm guessing that you're reffering to my large-eyed self-portrait when you say artistic STOP

As for the telegramaphone, you are forgetting that I live in the year 2005! STOP

I use a computating device called the Window XP! STOP

As for The Sneak's random combustability, perhaps slip him some nitroglycerin! STOP

Then he'd be exploding non-stop! STOP


SBadiaRula 18, Nov. 2005

Oh yes! I oft forget that I am communicating with a gentlemen of the twenty-first century. My apologies. Now what is this about using a WINDOW to communicate electronically!? The future startles me! And what on earth is nitroglycerin!?

And yet.. Another reply.

Dear Sir Strong Bad STOP

Windows is a brand of computer, a future device that allows one to see what they are doing on a screen! STOP

Furthermore, nitroglycerin is a material that explodes at the slightest shake! STOP

I realise that you live in the era where Curly Howard was one of the Three Stooges STOP

Do you like his work? STOP

I think that he is very funny STOP

With regards,

SBadiaRula 18, Nov. 2005

What the deuce is a computer? It sounds like a type of pipe-weed. As for this nitroglycerin you speak of, I would like to get my mitts on a container of that, I would! Where might one find such a container? And yes, I am acquaintances with Curly Howard. We frequent pubs to sneak a nip of hooch quite often, we do.

Last electronic reply!

Dear Sir Strong Bad STOP

A computer is a device which allows you to engage in electronic conversations, participate in enjoyment activities, and even do work such as taxes STOP

Also, I would like to move our chatting over to my page, as your conversation page is getting cramped, while mine is nearly empty STOP


SBadiaRula 18, Nov. 2005

Of course! We shall converse in the comfort of your user page!

Another Electronic Reply!

Sir Strong Bad STOP

How do you deal with the factory buffoon? STOP

Answer Here! STOP

Sincerely, President Cold One STOP

Fear not, Sir Cold One. The gang and I have devised a dastardly scheme to deal with the factory buffoon, we have! Others who are interested may read it on the clickable electronic link I have provided here. This will surely leave you satisfied and your factories buffoonless!

User name

dear sir strong bad stop i notice that you have the wiki user name of wrestleman stop if you are going to continue to go by sir strong bad then why not put in a request to formally change it stop it seems like it would be less confusing that way stop sincerely it's dot com (21:09, 18 November 2005 (UTC))

An exemplatory idea! I shall jump on that like The Kaiser on a buffet table!

hey sir strong bad stop tom has changed your name in the database and i took the liberty of moving your page to its new location stop everything should be good to go stop rock rock on stop sincerely it's dot com (00:18, 19 November 2005 (UTC))

Ha Ha! Ha Ha! WrestleMan is no more! For now, I go by by real name, Sir Strong Bad! Sir Dot Com is a technological genius! I shall send him a congratulatory shilling!

An Electronic Reply

Sir Stong Bad Stop

I am leaving you an electronic reply as per your request. Stop

I would be glad to make your aquaintence. Stop

But first, I feel the need to ask you a question. Stop

How do you manage the telagramophone whilst wearing gentlemans sport gloves? Stop

From Homsarroks. Stop


My Apologies, Sir Strong Bad. Stop

I had no wish to incur you wrath. Stop

I beg forgiveness. Stop

From Homsarroks. Stop

P.S. Stop

Could you be so kind as to ask the Strong Man to remove these chutes from underneath ny fingernails? Stop


Why... hello Stop

I bid you hello from 2005 Stop

I see that you have been wanting to meet alot of peoples acquaintances Stop

If you really want to get to know people from around here, then you could simply go to The Chat Channel Stop

Hope to see you there some time Stop

Homestramy20|Talk 03:18, 19 November 2005 (UTC)

I hope my Telly 400 is up to the task of handling online chatting progrums!

New messages indicator

when we upgraded to mediawiki one point five it introduced a bug in the way the system handles the new messages indicator stop currently the only way to get the message to go away is to click unwatch at the top of your talk page stop this is necessary even if you yourself are the one who edits the page stop we have done what we can to make sure the people who design the software are aware of the problem and we hope they will give us a patch to fix it soon stop yours sincerely it's dot com (03:19, 19 November 2005 (UTC))

Mercy me! Thank you for the electronic tip! You are a being of great knowledge! I bid you thanks!

Hey there Sir Strong bad stop

I got Your electronic message! Stop.

Let get to Know each other,stop:

1.what is you real namem,stop?

2.what do you do for a living,stop?

3.How did you find me,stop?

Do you happen t Know It's dot com,stop, Heimstern Läufer, stop, or AbdiViklas, stop?

Hoping you send me reply,stop

Nikolce Kocovski 06:18, 19 November 2005 (UTC) stop


Sir Strong Bad STOP I bid you greetings from the year 2005 GO I received your message loud and clear RED LIGHT and have taken it upon myself to issue you a reply LOOK OUT I see that you have impeccable taste in modern websites THERE'S A COP and have thusly gained my respect OH GREAT I wish you well, and I look forward HE'S PULLING ME OVER to speaking with you soon SORRY OFFICER Yours Truly, KieferSkunk DANG, I GOT A TICKET


Sir Strong Bad, STOP

One dollar was found on the dirt road today. STOP

It costs a mere 10 cents to retreve it and claim as your own. STOP

Thank you for your time! STOP

The Stink Man STOP


Sir Strong Bad, STOP

One dollar was found on the dirt road today. STOP

It costs a mere 10 cents to retreve it and claim as your own. STOP

Thank you for your time! STOP

The Stink Man STOP


Sir Strong Bad, STOP

One dollar was found on the dirt road today. STOP

It costs a mere 10 cents to retreve it and claim as your own. STOP

Thank you for your time! STOP

The Stink Man STOP

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