Talk:Everybody to the Limit

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Revision as of 05:54, 30 December 2005 by Robert Benedicio (Talk | contribs)
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A bit of sentimentality *tear*: This was the flash video that introduced me to the Homestar Runner website. And it rocks. Hard. :) --Southpaw018 16:00, 12 Nov 2004 (MST)

I love this toon!

-bri angel

Best Powered By The Cheat cartoon ever. Pop tire 13:57, 26 Mar 2005 (MST)

  1. Almost every time there is a "Woo!" a pair of lips will appear, and when there is a clap, clapping hands pop up.

So what? Clapping hands and "Woo!"-ing lips don't accompany most of the "Woo!"'s and claps. But... did you know that Strong Bad appears most of the time you hear Strong Bad singing?

I'm getting rid of this.-- 21:31, 2 Apr 2005 (MST)

Is it just me or is this whole song a Calculus joke? -- The Real Zajac 15:40, 17 Apr 2005

Have you heard of All I can see is a duck with a clock necklace. Isn't there suppost to be other toons?--Gordon 584 11:42, 4 Jul. 2005

I think that they used Microsoft Zarvox for the Robot video. They sound identical. Rogue Leader / (my talk)

  1. On the MP3 version, The Robot's lazer dosn't play.

Usually sound effects in video clips aren't played in the actual song. Thus, I don't think it's a goof. Anyone who disagrees say Aye but till then it's going to be deleted. 10:03, 12 Aug 2005 (UTC)


This is my favorite

out of all the music videos

When The Cheat smiles in this video, the smile goes the correct way (curving upwards) unlike The Cheat's usual downward curving smile

Chomping Whiffleball

One of the visuals in this video shows the whiffle ball chomping its way toward Strong Bad while he's running backwards along what looks like a street with tall buildings on either side. This visual is very similar to an old Atari 2600 game named Tunnel Runner, which featured pseudo-spherical munching monsters in a maze.


in the remarks it says that the lazer noise is being made even after the lazer is no longer shown. this is because, scientifically, the light of the lazer would move faster than the sound. so you would hear it after you saw it.- Jhonka

More Commentary references.

I'm not even going to try and list them all. Can we get a dedicated wikier on this? Maybe like, It's dot Bubsty or Abdisuperthunda?--Robert Benedicio 05:54, 30 December 2005 (UTC)

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