Happy Trogday

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Revision as of 06:14, 13 January 2006 by Darthvader66 (Talk | contribs)
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Trogdor's third birthday.

Cast (in order of appearance): Trogdor, Strong Bad, Stinkoman, Trogador

Page Title: Burninating 3 Candles!

Places: Planet K

Date: January 13, 2006


{The words "3 years ago..." appear on the screen. Flashback to email dragon with Strong Bad drawing Trogdor.}

STRONG BAD: Let's put one of those beefy arms back on for good measure. {draws a single beefy arm on the back of the dragon} That looks really good. Comin' out of the back of his neck, there. Now he needs a name. How about...

{cut to a montage featuring various pieces of Trogdor-related Fanstuff}

{screaming} TROGDOR!!! TROGDOR!!! {singing} Trogdor was a man! I mean, he was a dragon-man! Er, maybe he was just a dragon. Um... But he was still TROGDOR!!!! TROGDOR!!!! Burninating the countryside! Burninating the peasants! Burninating all the people! In their thatched roof COTTAGES!!! THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES!! And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!

{Cuts to a drawn picture of Trogdor wearing a birthday hat and party blower.]

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