Happy Trogday

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"trogday" redirects here. For the holiday, see Trogday (holiday). For other uses, see Trogday.
Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Fall Float Parade Happy Hallow-day
Happy Trogday, Troggie!

It's Trogdor's third birthday, and Strong Bad celebrates it with a kick-awesome fanstuff montage.

Cast (in order of appearance): Trogdor, Strong Bad, Stinkoman, Trogador

Places: Computer Room, Planet K

Date: Friday, January 13, 2006

Running Time: 1:49

Page Title: Burninating 3 Candles!

DVD: Everything Else, Volume 2


[edit] Transcript

{The words "3 years ago..." appear on the screen. Flash back to email dragon with Strong Bad drawing Trogdor.}

STRONG BAD: Let's put one of those beefy arms back on him for good measure.

{Strong Bad draws a single beefy arm on the back of the dragon.}

STRONG BAD: That looks really good. Comin' out of the back of his neck, there. Now he needs a name. How about...

{Cut to a montage featuring various pieces of Trogdor-related Fanstuff as the Strong Bad Sings cut of "Trogdor" plays:}

  • An ink drawing of Trogdor, a Trogdor shaped pancake with a Trogdor sketch superimposed on it
  • A Trogdor shaped gingerbread cookie
  • An exaggerated Microsoft Paint drawing of Trogdor
  • A Trogdor that appears to be made out of bean bags and felt
  • An ASCII art rendering of Trogdor
  • A small child lying in apparent agony next to a chalk drawing of Trogdor
  • A person in a Trogdor costume at a dress party
  • A person in a partial Trogdor costume
  • A man in a full Trogdor costume excluding his face and hand
  • A crude ink drawing of Trogdor
  • Two birthday cakes depicting Trogdor
  • A person buried next to a sand-relief-sculpture-Trogdor's mouth or with their head photoshopped into the picture
  • A very muscular and slightly humanoid fine pencil sketch of Trogdor
  • A child's magnetic drawing of Trogdor
  • Two vanity plates bearing "TROGDOR"
  • A three-dimensional superimposed image of Trogdor over a few buildings
  • A fish stick shaped like Trogdor
  • A Cheeto or other cheese-puff related snack shaped like Trogdor
  • Two three-dimensional images of Trogdor
  • A Trogdor lighter, lit
  • An SCA fighter (Master Avery Austringer) from the Midrealm with Trogdor on his surcoat
  • A drawing of Trogdor as a "t" and the letters "rogdor" on fire, one of them saying, "I'm sad we're all burning"
  • A Trogdor tattoo on a person's back shoulder
  • A Lite-brite image of Trogdor
  • Two sand images of Trogdor
  • A Virginia license plate on a Subaru WRX, reading "BRNIN8R"
  • Two crayon drawings of Trogdor
  • A fine pencil sketch of Trogdor
  • A set of Trogdor-themed jack-o-lanterns
  • Another 3D image of Trogdor, this time burninating some cottages
  • A sand-relief sculpture of Trogdor, with real fire
  • A man dressed up as a burninated peasant holing a Trogdor plush doll
  • A pencil drawing of Trogdor labeled, "The Trogdor Factor"
  • A man (dressed as Tenchi Masaki from Tenchi Muyo) apparently cringing from a person dressed up as Trogdor
  • A picture of Trogdor, being led by Strong Bad and The Cheat, while being followed by Strong Mad, attempting to burninate the rest of the Homestar Runner cast
  • A hockey player with a yellow jersey reading, "Trogdor 15"
  • A Lego sculpture of Trogdor
  • A colored pencil drawing of Trogdor
  • Graffiti that reads "Trogdor strikes again"
  • A building reading, "Trogdor House"
  • Two knit Trogdor plushies
  • A sculpture of Trogdor holding a short sword
  • A two-color Post-It note version of Trogdor on the List Center Media Test Wall in Building 56 at MIT

STRONG BAD: {screaming} TROGDOR!!!
{singing} Trogdor was a man!
I mean, he was a dragon-man!
Er, maybe he was just a dragon.
Um... But he was still TROGDOR!!!!
Burninating the countryside!
Burninating the peasants!
Burninating all the peoples!
In their thatched-roof COTTAGES!!!
And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!

{Cut to a rapid-fire sequence of images:}

  • Trogdor made out of tinfoil
  • A sign saying "DANGER Burninating in progress"
  • A sketchbook like image of baby Trogdors
  • Trogdor drawn in snow
  • Trogdor drawn on a bowl
  • A Honda S2000 with a vanity plate reading "TROGDOR"
  • A 3D image of Trogdor
  • A Trogdor stitched into a denim patch
  • Trogdor drawn on a sidewalk in chalk
  • A Trogdor ornament (or "Trogdornament") made of Sculpey
  • A frosted Trogdor shaped cookie
  • A California vanity plate reading "BURNN8"
  • A colored pencil drawing of Trogdor
  • An iPod with a picture of Trogdor drawn on the "Do Not Disconnect" screen
  • Trogdor painted on an egg

{The images begin repeating at this point.}

  • Tinfoil Trogdor
  • iPod Trogdor
  • Baby Trogdors
  • BURNN8 vanity plate
  • Bowl Trogdor
  • Sculpey Trogdor
  • 3D Trogdor
  • Denim patch Trogdor
  • Chalk Trogdor
  • "TROGDOR" vanity plate
  • Cookie Trogdor
  • Snow Trogdor
  • Colored pencil Trogdor
  • DANGER sign
  • Egg Trogdor
  • Black graffiti reading "TROGDOR STRIKES AGAIN!"

{Fade to a drawn picture of Trogdor wearing a birthday hat and party blower. Strong Bad writes "HAPPY TROGDAY TROGGiE" on the paper. Trogdor blows his blower.}

STRONG BAD: {making sound of Trogdor blowing blower} Twirr! Twirr!

{Pushwipe to Stinkoman, who is wearing a birthday hat with an image of a prawn on it.}

STINKOMAN: Hey! My birthday was last week! I don't see anyone making any Stinkoman-shaped pancakes!

{A distant thump shakes the screen.}


{Another thump shakes the screen.}


{Another thump occurs.}


{Cut to a section of the ground. Two massive, red, clawed legs come into view.}

STINKOMAN: What is that?

{The camera pulls back to reveal Trogador standing in front of Stinkoman. He flexes his beefy arm once}

STINKOMAN: Waah! Trogador!

{Camera focuses on Trogador's face, the background turns purple and action lines appear.}

TROGADOR: {roars}

{Cut to Stinkoman being pursued by Trogador. The music from the end of Under Construction plays.}

STINKOMAN: Is this your crazy, mixed-up way of asking me for some type of birthday challenge??

{The screen freezes in the "sketchy" format, and buttons come up that read "back", "watch original email?", "play the game", and "again"}

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Explanations

  • This toon was released on January 13, 2006, the third anniversary of Trogdor's debut in the email dragon (January 13, 2003).
    • Stinkoman's debut was in japanese cartoon, released a week prior to dragon (January 6, 2003), hence his remark about his birthday being "last week".

[edit] Trivia

[edit] Remarks

  • The Trogdor song uses the version recorded for Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits, though they cut from "cottages" to the tag line, "And the Trogdor comes in the...", thus matching the form of the original song.
  • The first picture of a costumed Trogdor came from Anime Weekend Atlanta 11.
  • One of the last pictures seen, a Trogdor figure made of 2550 Post-it notes, is a "hack" performed by MIT students.
  • The Trogdor-shaped fish stick and the crocheted Trogdor were originally for sale on eBay.
  • Clicking "Back" at the end always links to Main Page 17, the 20X6 main page.
  • Trogador's footsteps "shake" the frame of the Flash file a bit.
  • The "Trogdor House" is an administrative building at Tarleton State University named "Trogdon House," after former TSU President W.O. Trogdon. It is a Texas landmark, as indicated by the plaque on its right.

[edit] Goofs

  • Stinkoman has a shadow when he is running, but Trogador does not.
  • When the screen freezes to the sketch style, Stinkoman's party hat disappears.
  • There is no shine on Stinkoman's chest.

[edit] Fixed Goofs

  • Originally, clicking on "again" would go to the start of the TROGDOR song. Additionally, the beginning would be slightly cut-off, sounding like "ogdor". This has since been fixed.
    • However, this has only been fixed in the last frame. If you go back a frame at the end, you can still click the original "Again" button.

[edit] Inside References

  • In 3 Times Halloween Funjob, Stinkoman stated that he likes prawns, which explains the one on his birthday hat.
  • The word "Trogday" is the second time someone's birthday has been celebrated by replacing the birth in birthday with part of the person's name. The first time was The Cheat's "cheatday".
  • The graffitied "Trogdor Strikes Again!" is a reference to the original email dragon when Strong Bad burns Strong Sad's drawing.
    • The wall, plus a "No Trogdor" sign nearby, originated as the Weekly Fanstuff of August 31, 2004.
  • The slide with the man dressed as a peasant holding a Trogdor plush is from More Fan Costumes.
  • The music at the very end is the same short tune at the end of Under Construction.

[edit] Fast Forward

  • A different aspect of Trogday is celebrated in Trogday 08.

[edit] External Links

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