The Wheelchair

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"I'll get you, Eh! Steve, if it's the last thing I doooooooooooooooooo!"
"I'm a real boy!"

The Wheelchair is a character from Sweet Cuppin' Cakes that is voiced by Bubs. For some reason, he really, really wants to annihilate Eh! Steve. Strong Bad seems to think that Eh! Steve deserves it, though. Also, he likes to elongate the last word of his sentences when he's angry. Example: "I'll get you, Eh! Steve, if it's the last thing I doooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!"

He first appeared in crazy cartoon. He showed up again in kids' book, as an Easter egg: "Some people are talkin' wheelchairs. Eh! Steve will get what he deserves".

In PAY PLUS!, The Wheelchair was supposed to be Cheerleader's date for the Friday night dance, but she decided to go with "Steven" (aka Eh! Steve). He was also transformed into a GOOD DRAWINGED wheelchair by Arrow'd Guy.

Brooklyn Accent

The Wheelchair sometimes sports a Brooklyn accent, as evidenced by his pronunciation of the word boiled ("berled haliday cabbage") in Decemberween Sweet Cuppin' Cakes. Bubs' voice was apparently inspired by a street vendor from NYC (probably Brooklyn, but it doesn't say) who originally invented the "check it out" thing in Lookin at a Thing in a Bag. Ironically, Strong Bad also chooses to affect a Brooklyn accent when he pronounces words like "soivice" in lackey; but the now-common replacement of an "oi" sound with "er" (e.g., "terlet") began as an overcompensation for the often-parodied tendency of Brooklynites to pronounce "er" as "oi" ("supoib" for superb, "Toity-toid" for Thirty-third Street, or even "Ninja Toitles").

The Wheelchair may be based on the work of John Callahan, a quadriplegic cartoonist from Portland, Oregon who often satirizes the disabled and other controversial subjects.

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