Stand-Up Arcade Games

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Revision as of 22:51, 29 March 2006 by GrapeNuts (Talk | contribs)
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The stand-up kind
Wow. What the crap is the point?

Stand-up arcade games are a reccurring theme in Homestar Runner cartoons. Strong Bad has an affinity for these stand up arcade games and he gets a TROGDOR! stand up game in the toon "Arcade Game." This machine can also be found in the DVD, where it is used as a selection screen for the bonus material.

There are at least 2 upright arcade games in Skatetown, USA: Dokle and Dokle 2.

In the email "the bet," Strong Bad finds himself face to face with Typing Tutor Turbo. Although excited by the prospect of a new arcade game, he is disappointed by the concept of the game itself. He finds it much more fun to drop it on The King of Town.

The Scrolling Shooter Games Menu is based on several different arcade games with power-ups and fake score tables. It is another classic made by Videlectrix.

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