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The Sandbox is an HRWiki namespace page designed for testing and experimenting with wiki syntax. Feel free to try your skills at formatting here: click on edit, make your changes, and click 'Save page' when you are finished. Content added here will not stay permanently. If you need help editing, see Help:Editing.

This is not a title OR a Fugazi t-shirt

ewwwww somebody left a big cat turd in the sandbox.... GROSS its seriously nasty smelling, we should really so something about that

Random picture here...

File:Kiribati-gecko.jpg Isn't it something??

Real-World References

  • I didn't do it, (H*R site) that's for sure.
  • Mike Chapman is actually Chuck Norris in disguise... or maybe he's my dad in disguise. Maybe Chuck Norris is my dad... who flippin' knows? Google!
  • Guess who's back, back again, Strong Bad is back, tell a friend.

Who's your Daddy?

Neopets are sooo cute! [image:srong_bad.jpg]

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