Super NES

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"Homestar run, run..."
This article is about the toon. For the video game system, see Nintendo#Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

This is the first Homestar Runner cartoon ever made, using Mario Paint.

Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Pom Pom, The Cheat, Strong Mad, Strong Sad

Places: The Field, Arena, Various Houses, A Workout Room, The Athletic Field, The Stage, Outer Space, A Rocket, A Basketball Court

Page title: Super Homestario Bros.

Date: 1996

Running Time: 1:26




Homestar Run GO!
Hooomestaaaar! Run! Run!
Hooomestaaaar! Run! Run!

Homestar Runner really great,
Homestar Runner, ath -ah- late
Homestar Runner, Pom Pom too
Homestar Runner, we love you!

Hooomestaaaar! Run! Run!
Hooomestaaaar! Run! Run!

Homestar Runner, do your best
Homestar Runner, pass the test
Homestar Runner, Mom and Dad
Look out, Homestar! Is Strong Bad!

Hoooomestaaaar Run!

1996 AND 2000

Japanese Phonetics Transcript

アホチスーカヲ (Strong Bad and Homestar in the wrestling ring.)

ウコスキテ ホ. (Pom Pom floating by. . .)

えおか? せきひ (Homestar with a yellow background.)

クキカ? アシネ オスセーホヌツネ! (The Homestar Runner splash.)

Transliteration of the above

Ahochisūka o
Sokokao o tasu:

ukosukite ho.

Kukika? Ashine

No translation exists (nonsense text)

Fun Facts


  • Mario Paint was a video game made for the Super NES, and upon its initial release was packaged in a larger box with the Super NES Mouse, a two-button peripheral that perfectly emulated a real computer mouse. (The mouse came with its own plastic pad.) A few other Super NES games also worked with the mouse. Mario Paint itself was not so much a game as it was an art program. It worked like similar computer programs marketed for kids, such as Kid Pix. The game let you use the mouse to paint a large 16-color (15 actual colors plus transparency) picture with various tools, as well as place a smaller animation on top of it. It also had a simple music-making mode. One picture, animation, and music track could collectively be saved onto the cartridge's memory. Mario Paint was quite popular for its time, enough so that Nintendo released a Player's Guide shortly after Mario Paint hit stores. This long guide contained tons of information on how to get the most out of the game.



  • Strong Bad's tongue appears to be green.
  • The Japanese characters are mainly written in katakana, which is a character set used in written Japanese used primarily to write foreign words and onomatopoeias. The exception is the "Homestar with yellow background" screen which also contains hiragana, which are used in a more general-purpose fashion in conjunction with kanji. The Brothers Chaps seem, however, to be expressing gibberish. A possible reason for this is that they may not know Japanese.
  • Almost all of the animations are possible in Mario Paint. Mario Paint allows four, six, or nine frame animations, which loop, but the animation is a sprite and can follow a user defined path, which is what most of the animations do. The last animation (the "drip") is one of the full-screen erase effects in Mario Paint. The only animations that do not look possible in Mario Paint are the intro and outro texts with accompanying fades, and the close up of Homestar with the moving horizontal black moving lines which cover the entire screen. A Mario Paint animation can only be 1/4 of the screen at its largest.
  • The music that accompanies this toon could not have been made using Mario Paint, which has a fixed note length and can only play notes in the C major scale.
  • The music was created on the MT-100, a small electronic keyboard made by Casio in the early 80's. The accompanying bass and percussion line consists of pre-programmed riffs which are supplemented with a single-line melody. This keyboard is also used for a variety of other H*R sound effects and background music segments.
  • Mario Paint can only handle one scene at a time, so each scene must be created and recorded individually, and then spliced together at the end. After being spliced together, the music and singing would be dubbed over the recording.
  • There seems to be several discolorations within the movie. For example, Pom Pom is shown with a white head in the soccer scene, Strong Mad's singlet is black a la Marshmallow's Last Stand, Homestar's visor is blue and Strong Sad is orange.

Real-World References

  • The page title references the classic NES game Super Mario Bros.
  • The animation of Homestar swinging a bat mimics one of the sample animations included in the manual for the Etch-A-Sketch Animator

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External Links

Note: Apple QuickTime is needed to view the older version of this toon. [1]

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