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How I Became Affiliated with Homestar

I think it was a couple of years ago when my brothers showed me japanese cartoon. Being well-known in anime, I thought it was comedic gold. It basically drifted out of my memory until like, two years later I saw my brother watching a sbemail. I asked him for the site name and I've been hooked since.

Favorites on H*R



  • Homestar: Obviousness....
  • Art: I'm a big fan at looking at it and creating it.
  • Video Games: Mainly Nintendo (dying for the Wii) but I enjoy a good computer game occasionally. Zelda's and Mario's are always tops.
  • I, Mario: I, Who? I, Mario. Basically it's this project I'm working on with some cool people attempting to "realistify" the Mario series. This means everything has to be logical, require physics, and characters have to display emotion (it's not everyday someone winds up in another world and just reacts normally). If anyone wants to visit the (disorganized) forum, you can find it at this link:

That's it for now!

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