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Revision as of 20:58, 25 February 2007 by Homsar7 (Talk | contribs)
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Departure To A New Begining

Eric (also known as Homsar7, Electric7, etc.) is a happy-go-lucky, lazy student. After the idea that he should get out of public school in search of a more vavorable one, Eric is sent to BGA, a catholic school. Meeting friends, enemies, and all the things you can expect in high school, including a racist, an enemy-friend, and a friend who is obbsessed with sexual behaviorisms, will Eric survive?


After a hiatus of 4 months, Homsar7 returns to the HR Wiki by way of an e-mail, saying that he's been accepted into Sir Strong Bad's notorious gang. While balancing school work, friends, and the like, Homsar7 will roam all of the places, new cartoons, and things of the HR Wiki.

Still the guitar weilding kid, Eric has expanded his musical instrumental ablities to keyboards and drums. He plans to release music into the world for all to hear.

Links to Things

Guitar Site Of the Gods
An Indexed List Of Phobias


I have nothing more to say from this point on.

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