From Homestar Runner Wiki
Existing Quotes of the Week: Word booty. - Marzipan
Hellote. I am Ang the Ephemeral.
[edit] Personal Info
Real Name: rejected by user
Country: Canada. I'm proud of it too.
Age: Look at my userbox, I'm not writing it here.
Gender: Male
Anyways, I'm Ang the Ephemeral. Just call me Ang. I just took that name from Guild Wars out of my boredom to pick out a name. I started to
watch in 2003 and took a good liking to it. I hold some information guraded by some secret monks atop The Coches Mountains.
No seriously, I hold lots of info-mation on H*R. I'll try to help out the wiki community here and there. Just to tell you, I watch Homestar 'n crew
EVERY SINGLE DAY man. So, yeah, I'm basically attached to the dumb animal characters.
[edit] How Ang found HRWiki
It's pretty strange, but I found this old wiki by accident! Right after The Brothers Chaps came back from their vacation, I was searching
for Homestar Runner when I accidentally clicked HRWiki. I'm pretty sure it was caused by my migrain or my short-attention span to do that
but whateva! I read some of transcripts for the toons, especially Weclome Back, and I thought, "Wow, I never thought that Homestar Runner
fans would get THIS nuts to ensure their loyalty." Ever since I just lay back on my chair and look at all the info the fans have gathered up.
And, watch H*R toons. Either one. Usually both. :)
[edit] Ang's Favorites
Yeah, I don't put Us in, favorite like a Canadian. Anywho, here is mah fav0urites.
I found well, actually, my older brother did when he was looking around some message board I don't even know. He showed
me some carttons, such as Where's the Cheat and A Jorb Well Done. It was very funny and I took a good liking to the dumb animal characters.
I just wake up at 7:30, or so in the morning and just to watch Homestar 'n Crew. Anyways, that's it. I may edit some stuff in pages and vote for stuff. I wish to do a transcript, if I have time though. So, see ya, around, brown!
Ang, out!
| This user likes to vote on STUFF.
| This user wants you to look at his personal info for his age.
| This user is a Canadian. Proud of it, too!
| This user's favorite character is Marzipan. This user also feels sorry for her for the fact that BARELY anyone likes her.
| This user's favorite Chapman is Matt.