The Sneak

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The Dapper Swindler himself

The Sneak (a.k.a. "The Dapper Swindler") is the Old-Timey version of The Cheat, and takes the appearance of an opossum. He is always silent and communicates by waving his nose. He's the Strong Man's greatest pal, and loves to join The Strong Bad in causing catastrophe. His schemes include dropping The Homestar Runner from his "flying machine" and putting a Bengal tiger in The Kaiser's latrine. In addition, Old Timey Strong Bad often employs him in stealing fresh jam. He supposedly likes to do the hully gully on the Panama Canal, but has only been seen doing it on a barrel. The a cappella group DaVinci's Notebook wrote a song for him, entitled the Ballad of The Sneak, which was made into a cartoon by The Brothers Chaps. The lyrics in the song suggest that The Sneak is yellow in color, similar to his present day double, despite the fact that the Old-Timey cartoons have no color.


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