Career Day

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Revision as of 08:59, 10 March 2009 by Open Source Greg (Talk | contribs)
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Toon Category: Shorts
watch 4 Gregs Strong Bad Sings
"But what is a Space Captain Face? And what does it do?"

Space Captainface visits L.U.R.N. for Career Day and shows the class an edumacational film.

Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Homestar Runner, Strong Mad, Homsar, Strong Bad/Space Captainface, The Cheat/Strap Coopmore, Ted Averill

Places: The Classroom, Space

Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Running Time: 4:25

Page Title: SBASAF Mind Control Films Presents



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Marzipan: Listen out, Life-Blossoms! Today, for Career Day, we have a very special visitor.

{Scene cuts to the 'Life Blossoms', Homestar, Strong Mad and Homsar}

Homestar: is it that social worker again?

Marzipan: No, no! That's Ozzy Metheor! The charges withheld! Anyway, please welcome the Strong Badian Administration of Some Aluminum Foil's own, Space Captainface!

Strong Bad: {offscreen} Yeah! Great Zounds, kids! Your flumpy schoolmom, here, has asked me to talk to you today about-

Marzipan: I didn't ask you. I let you pay me to let you talk.

Strong Bad: Yeah, whatever. I'm here to talk to you today about an exciting career in... {dramatically, zooms out to reveal a floor-mounted fan} SPACE TRAVEL!

Strong Mad: BOOR-ING!

Homestar: Did you bring us any candy, police-file-man?

Homsar: You bring the gip, I'll bring the sideyard!

Strong Bad: And now, without further you talking, here are some moving images to distract you long enough for your teacher to take a nap, drink-break or smoke-break.

{Movie Projector begins rolling, close into film}

Announcer: SBASAF Propaganda presents- Indoctrination Films- Mind Control Films- Edumacational Films presents, What's your Captainface?

{taitle appears, cartoon of Strong Bad's head as Space Captainface flops onto it}

{TGS-esque drawing a a large headed child}

Announcer: Kids, have you ever wondered who that mysterious man whose picture you mother hides under her pillow is?

{child's face lights up}

Announcer: Ohhohoho, it's not your real father! It's Space Captainface! But what IS a Space Captainface? And what does it do, anyway?

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