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Marshie (capital "M", and then "arshie", as he would put it), a large, smiling white marshmallow with a bite taken from his side, is the genuinely alarming mascot for Fluffy Puff Marshmallows. He serves as a caustic and slightly absurd satire of any number of mascots hawking products to children. His face seems to have been inspired by that of the Kool-Aid Man. He also shares a resemblance to both the Carl's Jr./Hardee's star and the characters on the Elyon kosher marshmallows bag (in particular, the middle one on the bag). His slogan, "Made from the best stuff", is directly from Snapple's slogan "Made from the best stuff on earth".
Marshie has no positive relationships with any H*R characters. Homestar Runner "hates that freakin' marshmallow," probably because Marshie took his job as Fluffy Puff pitchman. Strong Bad seemed annoyed when Marshie tried to make a buck or nine off his heart-drooping loss, and believes Marshie's commercials should be rated NC-17 for "Needlessly Creepy times 17". Marzipan does not fondly remember when her band Cool Tapes had to perform with Marshie.
Marshie is infamously - and intentionally - creepy. His commercials have featured non-sequitur rantings, disturbing close-ups, inappropriate sound effects, faintly desperate pleas and even a behind-the-scenes nervous breakdown. He also tends to announce his appearances by uttering hackneyed slang phrases such as " 'Sup fools!" and "Oh snap!" in a heavy-handed attempt to convince kids to like him. However, this technique is essentially nullified by Marshie's innate creepiness, leaving the acceptance he seeks safely out of reach.
The use of Nibbles as a mascot in bottom 10 may be evidence for Marshie's increasing unsuitability as a marshmallow mascot, or at least in specifically promoting Fluffy Puff's bite-sized Nibblers product. Indeed, his breakdown in Malloween Commercial strongly suggests that he is not satisfied in his role as a mascot.
Beyond his creepy demeanor, it is insinuated that Marshie is not simply disturbing but actually evil. He is named as a "bad guy" in the song "Strong Bad is a Bad Guy", a vaporized version of Marshie in candy product cheerily warns that "you can't destroy me!", and in winter pool, Gel-arshie calls himself "an abomination."
- First Appearance: Fluffy Puff Commercial (as a picture on the bag)
- Official Debut: Meet Marshie
- Complete Filmography
Also known as...
- Mr. Shmallow (Old-Timey)
- Ser-g-geant Marshie (Cheat Commandos)
- Gel-arshie
- See other Nicknames
Quotes of the Week
Marshie's Quotes of the Week |