Talk:"Each day we die a little more."

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Revision as of 14:07, 29 May 2009 by Sbmaniac (Talk | contribs)
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Two appearances do not a running gag make, and it's certainly not "always" said as stated in the current intro. With no obvious redirects, I say DELETEHEAD!!! --Jay (Talk) 23:11, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

To quote my colleague Jay here, DELETE IT! wbwolf (t | ed) 23:14, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

don't delete. nobody's made a article about Strong Sad's motto. is there? Deesejaiman (Talk | contribs) {{{2}}} (left unsigned)

The question is not whether there is a page. There's not. The question is: should there be a page? --Jay (Talk) 23:15, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

i kinda thing there should be. ~~Jaiman~~

maybe i just need more practice. maybe we can just DELETE this page and make a new one. we can work 2gether on this. whos with me? give me five. *raises hand*

Look, it's really nothing personal. We just have rules as to what sorts of things we make pages for. If Strong Sad said this in more than two toons, then maybe it'd be worth having a page. (After all, we have pages on the catch phrases of other characters.) But just two appearances? A reference, not a catch phrase. Sorry. --Jay (Talk) 23:25, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

i forgive u. im cool. but Strong Sad said it more than 2 times. i just didnt finish the list. (lol) thats why i added the STUB thing.

Personally, I seem some merit in this page. It is not up to Wiki standards, but with a little cleanup, this can be a legitimate page. Weak Keep. Sbmaniac 14:07, 29 May 2009 (UTC)
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