Identity Confusion
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 01:45, 22 June 2009 by Hremail 22 (Talk | contribs)
Sometimes the characters seem to get confused as to the identity of another character. The one to do this most often is Homestar Runner.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 4.0 — Homestar leaves a message for Pom Pom on Marzipan's machine.
- Pumpkin Carve-nival — Strong Bad dresses as Homestar, so no one recognizes his true identity until he unmasks himself after the judging.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 7.0 — Bubs introduces himself on his message with "Hey Bubs, this is Marzipan," but then corrects himself.
- Email impression — Homsar's Strong Sad costume is so good that Coach Z mistakes him for Strong Sad.
- Email caper — Homestar refers to Strong Bad as "Strong Sad" and The Cheat as "Batman".
- Experimental Film commentary — Homestar says that Strong Mad "looks just like Coach Z".
- Bug In Mouth Disease — Homestar addresses The King of Town as "Santa."
- Cool Things— Homestar confuses Strong Sad for Dripping Yellow Madness, who moved away in the 5th grade.
- Email the facts — Homestar addresses Strong Bad as "Pom Pom".
- Email geddup noise — The announcer of The Show calls Homestar "Kevin".
- Email looking old — Homestar addresses Homsar as "Homestar".
- space program (DVD commentary) — During the commentary, Homestar Runner said that he forgot who he was.
- Jibblies 2 — Homestar mistakes The Stick for The Cheat.
- Fan Costumes '07 — Homestar mistakes a Yello Dello costume for Marzipan. He also mistakes someone in a Homestar costume for himself.
- Homestar Ruiner — When Strong Bad wears the Homestar costume, he manages to fool everyone (except Bubs) into thinking he's actually Homestar.
- Costume Commercial — Coach Z wears a "Marzipan" costume and believes it was based on him.
- Most in the Graveyard — Homestar mistakes the Carnivorous Undead Sheep for a rabid The Cheat.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 16.2 — Since Strong Sad is watching Marzipan's House while she's gone, Homestar mistakes him for Marzipan with some "new skin", and Bubs mistakes him for Marzipan with a "fat, depressing, and Allan Poe" voice.