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Revision as of 23:25, 12 September 2009 by Jellote (Talk | contribs)
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Double Homestar with Cheese

Homestar is listed twice in the cast list. Any reason? Flicky1991 17:21, 1 September 2009 (UTC)

Compé backgrounds

Considering that Strong Bad seems to have a new background for his Compé in each episode, I think that a new page should be added to keep track of them. Unbalanced 18:16, 1 September 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, with a galllery and everything! The only problem would be after fifty emails or so, we'd end up with one long article with lots and lots of pictures, but that was never a real problem with Floppy Disk Container or the Other Costumes articles. – The Chort 18:22, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
You see, I promise i'm not lying, but i saw this coming! When he changed his background last time, I thought, that's gonna be a running gag.--Crudely Drawn Cupcake 00:41, 2 September 2009 (UTC)

Fencéd Pants

Is there a seperate name for the fenced-in area where Marzipan's scene takes place, or is that just an extension of The Field/her house? Monkeytender 19:04, 1 September 2009 (UTC)


"Potent Potables" is a real category from Jeopardy!, and not just from the SNL Celebrity Jeopardy skits. The skits use it because it's a real category. This sbemail references Jeopardy!, not SNL's skits. This real-world reference has been changed a few times already to insert and re-insert the SNL bit, but it does not belong. 19:05, 1 September 2009 (UTC)

If it wasn't in every single SNL Celebrity Jeopardy! parody ever made, I wouldn't be arguing a case. If it had only been in a few of them, I would agree that it didn't belong, but since it's in all of them, and since SNL made it much more famous than Jeopardy! did, i think it deserves a mention. I'm certainly not disagreeing that it was originally a Jeopardy! category, but it is much more common in the SNL parodies. i also don't think it's proper to say "it doesn't reference x; instead, it references a thing that x references" if it's this direct of a reference. for instance, if i wanted to say "potent potables" intending it to be an SNL reference, i wouldn't want you to say "it's not an SNL reference b/c it's an actual Jeopardy! reference". not saying that's what tbc did or didn't do, but it's too commonly referenced in SNL to not be mentioned on the page. The Knights Who Say Ni 19:34, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
There's nothing tying it to SNL that doesn't also tie it to Jeopardy. Jeopardy did it first, so list it and it alone. --Jay (Talk) 19:38, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
Alex Trebek as host was a part of every SNL Celebrity Jeopardy skit. This cannot be said of Jeopardy!, which was previously hosted by Art Fleming. So if a Jeopardy-style show were hosted by Alex Trebek, would this be a reference to SNL's skits since he was in all of them? Potent Potables is one of few oft-repeated Jeopardy! categories, which is why SNL uses it. 20:44, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
I dunno, I kinda lean towards the SNL skit, too. Like TKWSN said, it seems that SNL did much to make the category stand out in popular consciousness. Note that the big wiki feels it relevant enough to mention both of them. I kind think we should too. - 00:27, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
They have in-depth pages on both the game show and the parody. We focus on Homestar Runner; both are outside our scope except in mentioning references. I wouldn't say that's comparable. --Jay (Talk) 01:53, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
PS. Compare with the discussion we had here. --Jay (Talk) 01:56, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
I wouldn't say that's comparable. I grew up in one of the states mentioned and have never heard of that radio show. Almost everyone has seen Celebrity Jeopardy. - 02:05, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
Jay, how did i know you were going to bring that up? 128.103.10... (i notice it's very close to the ip in that other talk page; is it a college campus ip?), if you grew up in the midwest, as i said in the other talk page, i don't think the show is popular there. as for this issue, i think we should take it to STUFF. The Knights Who Say Ni 03:36, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
I personally have watched dozens of episodes of jeopardy in my lifetime and have never once seen that category appear outside of the SNL version. Had i not seen this, i'd have continued to think that SNL made it up. Jeoparsy may have used it once or twice, but it's SNL that made it famous. — Defender1031*Talk 03:41, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
Conversely, I don't watch Jeopardy all that much, and I've never seen the SNL sketch, but this is far from the first appearance of "Potent Potables" that I've seen. So either it's a common phrase that I cannot place (outside of Jeopardy) or I saw it on Jeopardy. --Jay (Talk) 04:29, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
I would dispute the claim that SNL made it famous. Maybe SNL made it famous to the under-30 crowd, but they used it because it was an already-famous Jeopardy! category. The reason they use Potent Potables first is so that they have a real category before a series of joke categories. DeFender1031, I would direct you to your own comments on the talk page Jay posted. I suppose the Jeopardy! issue could be avoided altogether by simply stating that a potent potable is an alcoholic beverage. 12:44, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
I'm fully aware of my own comments there, however in this case, the original famous thing IS SNL referencing jeopardy, IMO. — Defender1031*Talk 17:06, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
How is it even possible that the original is referencing something else? If it's referencing something, it's not the original. When the Celebrity Jeopardy! parodies started in the mid-late '90s, Potent Potables rang true as an actual category. It was already famous. If most of your pop-culture knowledge is from the last decade and a half (probably the case with most here), SNL's skits seem to dominate this usage. TBC are old enough to know which predates which. Again, if "SNL [is] referencing jeopardy," the SNL skits CAN'T be the original (by definition). It's not where you know it from, it's where it comes from. 19:57, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
This is a pretty clear case of TTATOT. Jeopardy! made it famous first.--Periodic Table Greg 18:32, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
First of all, this is nothing like TTATOT. That term refers to things where it could be from Batman, or Freud may have said it once or twice, or it was also part of a jerry seinfeld routine. Here, it's all related. Anyway, i thought that the wording before this edit was a pretty good compromise. I'm in favor of reverting that edit and letting it be. — Defender1031*Talk 18:39, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
It seems completely against convention in every other circumstance to say, "X is a reference to Y. By the way, Z also references Y," when Z is not h*r related. Why mention that something outside the h*r universe references Jeopardy? Should we also mention in the "Family Feud" reference that "Family Guy" has referenced the show? If h*r references the theme from "All in the Family" should we mention that this theme is parodied in the opening credits of EVERY EPISODE of "Family Guy?" This is a case where those arguing for the SNL reference are doing so because that's where they know it from, not because that's the source. 14:51, 11 September 2009 (UTC)

Incorrect. We're saying that each step of the X, Y, Z, has the phrase more prominently than the last, and TBC could very well be referencing Z. Hence the compromise. — Defender1031*Talk 14:53, 11 September 2009 (UTC)

I have similar sentiments to anonny. And you jumped the gun, DeFender; no one said anything concerning your previous post, so you assumed too soon that they agreed with you. That would have been fine if no one had disagreed with you before, but that wasn't the case. In my case, I'd just not checked the discussion. --Jay (Talk) 14:56, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
You know, when the DVD comes out and TBC mention SNL, I'll be waiting, having not actually bought the DVD. And then when someone finally posts the transcript, i'll probably have forgotten all about this by then. But if i haven't, i'll totally be laughing at all of you. This isn't over. Word your little fact however you want. I'll win eventually! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! — Defender1031*Talk 15:04, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
I agree with DeFender, and i agree with his compromise. the one time i saw "potent potables" on actual Jeopardy!, i thought it was a joke b/c i have also seen that there are occasional actual Jeopardy! categories that were designed to make fun of the SNL sketch. The Knights Who Say Ni 16:19, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
That illustrates my point exactly. You're arguing based on where you know it from, not its actual origin. And your knowledge of the phrase is probably dictated mostly by your age. If your user page is to be trusted, you were under 10-years-old when the first SNL Celebrity Jeopardy! skit came out. So you probably didn't have much exposure to Jeopardy! TBC, on the other hand, were in their 20s and likely already knew of the Jeopardy! category. I was a senior in high school. Those who were the target audience of that first skit knew that the category came from the real show. I learned the definition of the word 'potable' from watching Jeopardy! But the point is, the real one came first. The SNL category is a reference to the original. The argument of which one is more popular is entirely subjective. The argument of origin is entirely objective. This is a reference to a category on Jeopardy! If TBC come out some day and state they were trying to reference SNL, change it. Otherwise stick to hard facts and not conjecture. 16:48, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Jay, if you haven't seen the SNL sketches, then how can you know how influential they might be? The anonny said above, "This is a case where those arguing for the SNL reference are doing so because that's where they know it from, not because that's the source." No, what we're saying is that there's at least a reasonable chance that that's where TBC know it from. We're also not saying "X [the toon] is a reference to Y [Jeopardy!]. By the way, Z [SNL] also references Y". We're implying that A [the toon] is a reference to B [SNL], and B is a reference to C [Jeopardy!]. Maybe the toon is just a straight reference to Jeopardy!, but maybe there's SNL in between. Surely there's a way to word it such that the reader has a choice between A→C and A→B→C. — It's dot com 16:42, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
If it's a reference to a reference, the rule of thumb is to list the original referent, not an additional reference. 16:51, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Rules of thumb have reasonable exceptions. We're saying it's just as reasonable to conclude that the reference is to the specific SNL sketches as to Jeopardy! itself and that the fact should be worded to incorporate both possibilities. — It's dot com 16:53, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Nothing else in this toon resembles the SNL skits. It is a usage of the category name only. The category is from Jeopardy! It sounds a little Troy McClure ("You may remember me from SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy! skits"). Unless something suggests SNL (Strong Bad talking like Connery, using the nickname Turd Ferguson, etc.), there's no reason to include a multi-tiered reference. 17:07, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Dot com: I may not be familiar with the SNL sketches directly, but I do know that SNL is a comedy, parody show. And that when I search Google for "Potent Potables", most of the results on the first couple of pages mention Jeopardy, not SNL... or occasionally neither. (Except Wikipedia, which mentions both). There's only one possible exception, and I can't actually say what's on that page because it won't load for me, not even in Google's cache. --Jay (Talk) 17:11, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Anonny, there's nothing that suggests SNL except for the fact that it's been a running joke in every one of them. Most of the people in this thread arguing for SNL know the phrase from there. We know that TBC are fans of SNL, therefore, like Dot com said, it's completely possible that that's where they know it from as well, and therefore a compromise is in order. Note, I'm not pushing for a wording that says that it's DEFINITELY from SNL, merely one that says it's a possibility. — Defender1031*Talk 17:18, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Back on my Google search, I need to get to the very end of page 5 before I find a decisive SNL reference other than Wikipedia which, again, mentions both, with a couple of dozen Jeopardy references. --Jay (Talk) 17:21, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
I don't know what Google has to do with anything. It's not important what the Internet as a whole thinks, only that it's as reasonable that TBC got it from SNL as Jeopardy! directly. And seriously, watch The following link contains words and themes that might be inappropriate for you if your mom won't let you say anything worse than "crudfully". language and innuendo one of the sketches. (I highly recommend seeking them all out.) — It's dot com 17:26, 11 September 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, I watched the one embedded in the one Google hit I got in the first five pages. Funny, but being funny does not make something else a reference to it. --Jay (Talk) 17:31, 11 September 2009 (UTC)

I did the same thing with Google searches (same result, natch). DeFender, the link you provided at least shows that TBC are fans of pre-1996 SNL. All of these references are to eras before the Celebrity Jeopardy! skits began. They could have abandoned SNL (as many did) after the "golden age" of the late '80s-early '90s. Again nothing in this toon suggests an SNL connection. There are no other references to the SNL skits. The fact that Potent Potables is in every skit is not in this toon. 17:40, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Jay: Except when the popularity of that funny thing overshadows the original. To both of you: We're not saying it's a 100% for-sure connection, only that there's enough ambiguity that the fact should be worded to encompass both alternatives. — It's dot com 17:42, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Hey, the burden of proof is on you for proving that the SNL parody overshadowed the original in popularity, because that does not mesh with anything I'm seeing. --Jay (Talk) 17:47, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Google and what the Internet as a whole thinks are not relevant, but popularity is? One thing Google can do is help establish popularity of sorts. Most of the time, when people use the phrase they're either referring to Jeopardy! or alcohol. But I still argue you all are not really going on popularity but what stands out in your own minds. 17:49, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Yes, Potent Potables isn't going to show up in searches related to the sketches as much because it's an introductory element and not essential to the humor that comes later. It's not the part that gets quoted, but it's still a memorable part of each sketch once one stops to think about it. Jay, I don't think you have the burden of proof right. The burden of proof is on you to say why it's not reasonable that TBC might have gotten Potent Potables by way of SNL rather than from Jeopardy! directly. — It's dot com 17:53, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
You're the one who said that SNL overshadows Jeopardy in terms of popularity, at least where "Potent Potables" is concerned. You back it up. Burden of proof is always on the positive claim, not the negative. I've found page after page of people making reference to "Potent Potables" in response to Jeopardy before I could even find one that made reference to SNL, Wikipedia again excepted. What you ask of me is like me asking of you, "PROVE that it's not reasonable that the 'Survey Says' line in Homestar Ruiner is a reference to 'The John Boy & Billy Big Show'." There's nothing you could say or do to prove it. You could provide mountains of evidence that Family Feud is significantly more popular, and that it was around first, but that's exactly what anonny and I are doing here!!! You need to prove why it is worth mentioning on the page. That's how the burden of proof works. --Jay (Talk) 18:22, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
The thing is, we've proved why it's reasonable to think so. We're not trying to prove that it's a definite, merely a reasonable possibility. The popularity of SNL, and those sketches in particular coupled with the fact that the category appears in all of them, plus the fact that we know TBC are fans of SNL, and that many of the people here know the phrase from those sketches rather than from jeopardy itself provides a reasonable possibility. — Defender1031*Talk 18:26, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
What the Google search shows is, most people who use the phrase use it as a reference to Jeopardy! or alcohol. We're not doing searches related to the sketches, but searches on all uses of the phrase. A high percentage (100) of skits use the phrase, but a low percentage of uses of the phrase relate to the skits. So while it's true that an SNL skit implies usage of "Potent Potables," the converse isn't necessarily true. In general, usage of "Potent Potables" is unlikely to imply a connection to SNL. This is the logical fallacy of affirming the consequent. A implies B is not the same as B implies A. 18:31, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
It's like It's dot com said, "potent potables" isn't one of the most quoted phrases from the SNL sketches. A proof for that goes like this: for the search snl celebrity jeopardy, at the time of this posting, there are 268,000 hits. However, for the search "potent+potables"+SNL "potent potables" snl there are only 1,020. Given that it appears in every one of the sketches, one would expect a higher number. It's not because it's not a reference, but because it's not one of the most quoted lines. A more accurate gauge would be to ask anyone who is familiar with the sketches what the first thing they think of when you say "potent potables" is. I guarantee you that every one of them will say SNL. I posted "I got a poll for you all this time: When I say 'potent potables', what's the first thing you think of? A: Jeopardy B: Saturday Night Live's Celebrity Jeopardy Sketches C: Alcoholic drinks" as my facebook status, and already the first person to answer implied that no one would think otherwise... why don't you naysayers post this as your stati and see what happens? — Defender1031*Talk 18:41, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Facebook friends tend to be similar to a user, particularly in age. It's about as far from a random sample as you can get. If you look at all of the confirmed references to SNL on the site, you'll see they only reference the period from 1975-1995. It's reasonable to assume they're only fans of episodes from that time. 18:46, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
That's why i suggested you also try it and see. — Defender1031*Talk 18:47, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
You also taint the poll by offering suggestions. 18:49, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
Not when those suggestions are the only things we're debating. Your opinion is in there just as prominently as mine is. — Defender1031*Talk 18:50, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
For the record, I think I met the burden of proof for showing that the SNL connection is not a logical assumption. 18:54, 11 September 2009 (UTC)

[Undent] Wow. You guys are sure gonna argue this until you're blue in the face, because the cows came home a long time ago. Considering the specific phrase "Potent Potables" doesn't actually appear in this e-mail, what we're actually discussing is A, which is probably a reference to B, which might be a reference to C. "Quotient Quotables" gets a good four thousand Google hits too. So what we're talking about here is a second-order reference that long ago entered the public parlance, so possibly the only way to know the answer for sure is to eat TBC's brains. In lieu of that, just agree on some sort of a "maybe" or "might be" modifier. --Belthazar 21:58, 11 September 2009 (UTC)


The cheering crowd, which includes the fanatic who screams "Onion Bubs" (from original and A Death-Defying Decemberween), appear in this sbemail. Does that mean that they should have a separate page since they've been heard three distinct times?

I'd say no, because the only things that can be said about them can (and probably already are) noted on Onion Bubs's own page already. --Jay (Talk) 19:31, 1 September 2009 (UTC)


Currently, whenever I try to view the regular page or the flash file, I get 404'd. Anyone else? What can I do? Can someone put up a mirror?

Not me. I'd try to put up a mirror, but I don't know how to. Sorry about that. Maybe clear your cache and see if that works. After that, wait. If it doesn't clear up, the only option left would be to contact the Chapmans. Maybe the error is on their side. (On a related note, can anyone teach me how to make a mirror of stuff? Maybe on my Talk Page?)--Jellote wuz here 20:15, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
Did you check the URL? Do you have the lastest version of flash?

mystery homestar theatre 3000

Did you guys know homestar was watching city (comma) state.


Yes, actually. See the inside references.--Jellote wuz here 23:31, 1 September 2009 (UTC)

No! No more Strong Bad Smiling! NO MORE, I SAY!

This article is criminal purely for the reason that it contains yet another Strong Bad Smiling. This is not unusual any more, people! No more Strong Bad Smiling! It happens every toon or every other toon nowadays, we do not need to point it out any more! User:Mr_Eyeball

As little as this needs to be here, Mr. Eyeball has a point. Espemon333 01:07, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
We've had some discussion on this before (Talk:Strong Bad Smiling). I'm all for the removal (or SEVERE toning-down) of the page, but consensus seems to remain split at best. --Jay (Talk) 01:44, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
Yeah I agree --Platinum789hi

Wrapping it up?

I don't think the way SB talks at the beginning is most accurately described as rapping. It's more... i dunno... jive speak, or something. - 02:14, 2 September 2009 (UTC)

"Yes it does!"

Anyone else notice that Strong Sad is visible at the back of the group? -- 10:44, 2 September 2009 (UTC)

Yes we does! He even seems to be singing along. That was was the joke. Good eye, though. --Jellote wuz here 10:48, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
Was it really? I don't understand it then. Mind elaborating? NMRodo 22:08, 5 September 2009 (UTC)
Strong Sad is saying his own Paunch smells. Despite denying it moments earlier. Espemon333 03:47, 6 September 2009 (UTC)


I think there should be a gallery for the symbols that represent SB's sounds, perhaps on a separate page. - 14:00, 2 September 2009 (UTC)


No-one else notice Strong Bad's spelling mistake? He combined "gutteral" with "utterances" to form "gutterances". The problem is that "gutteral" itself isn't a word. It's "guttural".

Shut Up Lady

I'm kinda thinking that in this e-mail, Strong Bad has decided to refer to the woman who says "Oh, that looks sinful," as "Shut Up Lady". Therefore, the sentence would be, "Shut up, Shut Up Lady." Can't really be proven, I suppose, but that's how I interpreted it. mag3b

I think that is the joke. Accept. Oops, no wait. STUFF is dead. Oh well, except anyway.--Jellote wuz here 20:09, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
No, the joke is that the repeated "shut up" matches "frou frou", "chichi", and "restaurant-restaurant", said moments before. --DorianGray 20:42, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
As i have said before, the joke is both. — Defender1031*Talk 20:54, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
But there's no real reason to think it's a "both" joke when the explanation that DG gave explains it fully, right? (Kinda similar to the Family Feud thing)- 21:00, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
Wrong. The others have a reason he's saying it twice. — Defender1031*Talk 21:06, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
I realize. But I'd argue that that reason is misunderstanding. - 21:25, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
"Restaurant restaurant"? --Jay (Talk) 21:48, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
Rule of 3. Once you get to 4, the pattern has to resume. — Defender1031*Talk 21:53, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
Eh, I definitely hear it as using "Shut up Lady" as a title for the lady. But neither this joke nor the other one needs explaining in the article, so really, it doesn't matter if this is the case or not. Heimstern Läufer 01:01, 12 September 2009 (UTC)
I also hear it as naming her Shut Up Lady. It's all in the inflection of Strong Bad's voice. In the other uses of repetition, he said something like "restaraunt restaurant,", where as here it sounds more like "Shut up, Shut Up Lady". I'd change the name of the Shut Up Lady article, but the last time I tried that it just got reverted. Monkeytender 02:37, 12 September 2009 (UTC)

fo yo / fo your?

The text in the email asks if Strong Bad has a dictionary "fo your own words," but Strong Bad pronounces it "fo yo own words." Should this go in goofs?

  • Some people pronounce "your" as "yo" for short. That'sBupkis! 21:23, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
has strong bad ever shown a history of pronouncing it that way though? The Knights Who Say Ni 21:33, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
Pretty sure this is SB poking fun at Costrick's likely typo here. Rather than reading it as "for your" he pronounces the "fo" as written, and then truncates the "your" as if the whole sentence was intended to be jive-speak. He emphasizes both "fo" and "yo" in that sentence, marking the choice as intentional, as in, not a goof. Nightsong81


Could someone please upload the "hwimswelf" definition for the Own Dang X page? Once again, I just want to say that my CPU fails at uploading at all, and that I cannot do it from home. Help? Please? --Jellote wuz here 23:25, 12 September 2009 (UTC)

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