Malloween Commercial

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Halloween Comercial for Fluffy Puff Malloweens.

Cast (in order of appearance): Marshie, The Two Kids, Homestar Runner, Monte Negro, Strong Bad

Places: The Halloween House, Homestar's House

Page Title: M-A-Double L-O-W-Double E-N

Date: October 20, 2003 (original) October 22, 2003 (last modified)

Duration: 1:40



{coffin opens}

MARSHIE: Awwww......SNAP! I'm Marshie again! You better believe it's new Fluffy Puff Malloween orange and black flavored marshmallows! "They Taste the Same, but Loo—" {hacks and coughs} Sorry, must've got a toenail caught in my throat. "They Taste the Same, But Look Different!"

{setting changes to in front of Mr. Shmallow's grave}

MARSHIE: Boogedy-boogedy! I'll scare your dad! Those little punks next door won't know what hit 'em when you serve up a satchel full of Malloween Fluffy Puffs!

BOY: What?

GIRL: Weird.

MARSHIE: s'right, you two. Kids, demand Fluffy Puffs for trick and treats!

{Marshie appears on a porch in front of a house. Homestar Runner opens the door, wearing a large fake eyeball and an orange shirt reading "This is my Costume!"}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, hello, little boy or little girl. Would you care for a funtime treat?

MARSHIE: No way! {Echoes} {A wave of Fluffy Puffs blast out of Marshie's "Bite" and fill up the screen.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: A tidal wave of marshalades!

MARSHIE: I'm so goosed up, I'm swimming in 'em! Tell Monte Negro ...


MARSHIE: ...They fit on top of each other! Stack 'em to the heavens! {another Marshie appears on top of the other}Stack 'em to the heavens! {both} I could write a song called "Stack 'Em to the Heavens!"

{Cut to a dressing room, where Marshie's vampire wig sits on a mannequin and a camera appears to be rolling. Marshie is not wearing his vampire costume, but looking into a mirror.}

MARSHIE: {screaming} What more do they want!?

{back to normal scene, with Marshie in his vampire costume}

MARSHIE: Come on guys, isn't that enough to get you to try Fluffy Puff Malloweens?

{Marshie sings}

MARSHIE: {cut to a television view of the commercial} They're orange, doo doo. They're black, dee dee. Look for the one with me on the bag...dressed as a vampire!

{cuts to scene with Homestar Runner and Strong Bad sitting next to each other, watching the end of the commerical on the TV}

STRONG BAD: I thought you said you were the star of this one.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, right. I made that up. But I did get to keep this cool eyeball. {puts on eyeball} Seeeee! Seeee!

STRONG BAD: What are you doing!?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Isn't that the sound that um...eyeballs make? Seee! Seee!

{Strong Bad leaves}

{"Full Halloween Cartoon next week!" appears in the corner.}

Easter Eggs

  • At the end, you can click on Homestar Runner's big eye and see a pumpkin with Marshie's face on it, then click the pumpkin to see it at night.

Fun Facts


  • The reason "Full Halloween Cartoon next week!" appears is because this short appeared a week before Halloween.


Inside References

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