Homestar Runner's House

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Homestar Runner's house is a typical suburban house with yellow siding, bearing a striking resemblance to the Peanuts kids' houses. Early cartoons featured an alternate design, a cartoonish red hut with white spots.

Homestar spends a large amount of time in both Strong Bad's and Marzipan's houses, often showing a preference for their homes over his own. In flashback, he even comments that he thinks he might live in the Brothers Strong's house. The most notable proof of his possible dislike of his house is in the email secret identity, where he checks in to Bubs' Motor Lodge, even though his house is probably only a mile away (at the most) from it. In Strong Badia the Free, Homestar refused to go to his own house because there's a squirrel in the attic which he sometimes thinks is a spooky ghost.


[edit] Hut

In early cartoons, Homestar's house appeared as a fantastical red, polka-dotted hut. In its few appearances, its design shifted noticeably — changing shape and even color. As Free Country, USA and the Homestar Runner universe became more developed, his home was reimagined as a more realistic house and the fanciful hut was not seen or mentioned again.

[edit] House

Apart from the front porch, little of the exterior of Homestar's house has been shown.

The inside of his house was first seen in the email caper, when Strong Bad and The Cheat broke into it. It has since been seen in radio, garage sale, Homestar Presents: Presents, slumber party, Halloween Potion-ma-jig, and The House That Gave Sucky Tricks. The interior of Homestar's house has green walls and pictures of himself through the years. Homestar's white table with the sliding doors is similar to one sold by IKEA. It also has a cow lamp which The Cheat broke in caper. It was repaired and seen again in radio, but Homestar broke it again after The Cheat tried to steal it in garage sale.

Homestar's bedroom, first seen in Homestar Presents: Presents, has maroon walls, blue carpet, a window, Homestar's bed (bare box spring only), and an alarm clock/radio labeled "Homestar's Clock" on a dresser. Homestar's room is on the second floor.

Homestar watches television in his TV room, where the TV Time Toons Menu is located. He also keeps his TV stand (where his tapes are kept) and sofa here. He sometimes invites Strong Bad over to watch TV with him, an invitation that Strong Bad usually accepts (probably because Homestar has the better TV). Homestar seemed to relocate his television to the shelf in his living room in environment.

Homestar also has a bathroom which has a shower in it (seen on Main Page 14). The walls are tiled with a stripe of a green and white checker pattern about halfway up the wall, exactly like Strong Bad's bathroom walls. In fact, it's very possible that it's not Homestar's, but Strong Bad's bathroom he's taking a shower in during Main Page 14, seeing the only difference between the two is the shower curtains switching from the yellow with corncobs to yellow with white spots (as seen in SBCG4AP), and the shower head is on the other side. It would be believable to say so because Homestar spends almost all of his time in other people's houses.

Homestar may have his own computer room, but since it's shown to have the same green walls and wooden floor as his living room, it's possible that it's located in a different part of the living room (seen in email thunder).

Homestar's kitchen is rarely seen, but it was in the toon remake of "Where My Hat Is At?".

[edit] Shed

Homestar Runner's shed is a small white building with a brown roof and a dilapidated basketball hoop. It is located in The Field near Homestar's house, and is known to contain a green barrel of unknown contents, an exercise bike, a tennis racket, a box of "old H*R crap" (which contains a rubber burger and an old storybook, among other things), and a crate labelled "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that holds Dijjery Doo.

[edit] Appearances

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