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Revision as of 05:15, 9 February 2017 by Gfdgsgxgzgdrc (Talk | contribs)
Transformers are frequently referenced in the Homestar Runner body of work. Various characters will often parody the toys, and the Cheat Commandos show has numerous similarities to the cartoon.
- Cheat Commandos —
- Crackotage speaks mostly in rhyme. This resembles the Transformers characters Blaster and Wheelie.
- Fightgar has an accent which resembles that of Wreck-Gar. The two characters also have similar names.
- Alamo Drafthouse - 10 Jun 2005 — After having his eyes removed, Puppet Homestar Runner tells Mike Chapman that he needs the Autobot Matrix.
- The Cheatar — Strong Bad imitates the Transformers' transformation noise when talking about The Cheat turning into a guitar. He also says, "Why couldn't you transform into, like...a Semi? Or at least a tape player." This is a reference to Optimus Prime, Blaster, and Soundwave.
- Email portrait — The Cheat vandalizes Strong Bad's painting by spray painting the "Rad, Rad Robotank" on it. The Rad, Rad Robotank has what appears to be a Transformer's head on its top.
- The Cheat would later repeat this to the FBI warning of strongbad_email.exe Disc Five.