Superbowl Dealie

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Toon Category: Holiday Toon
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"Yeah... Yeah, okay... I'll, um... I'll take this to the house."

Strong Mad has an enjoyable time watching the Super Bowl on TV.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Mad, Strong Bad, Homestar Runner

Places: Basement of the Brothers Strong

Date: Monday, January 27, 2003

Running Time: 0:39

Page Title: Superbowl 20X6

DVD: Everything Else, Volume 2



{down in the basement of the Brothers Strong's abode...}

STRONG MAD: {has a football in one hand, and is watching something on TV} TAKE IT TO THE HOUSE. {punches the couch four times} TAKE IT TO THE HOOOOOUSE!

{Strong Bad walks up, squinting his eyes as though he's half-asleep.}

STRONG BAD: Um... Hey, tough skins. Uh... The game's been over for about 6 hours now.

TV: Set it and forget it!

STRONG MAD: TAAAKE IT TO THE HOUUSE!! {throws his football at Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: {catches football} Yeah... Yeah, okay... I'll, um... I'll take this to the house. {walks away}

{Homestar Runner walks in wearing a Boston Bruins jersey}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {singing} Do do do do do do do do do do do. {stops singing} Wow. That guy's really taking it to the house.

TV: Set it and forget it!

{The Paper comes down and it says: "Due to the big game, the Strong Bad Email will be late this week." After a few seconds Homestar peeks under the paper}

Fun Facts



  • Other than the page title and filename (both of which use "superbowl" instead of "Super Bowl"), the game is not actually referenced by its name. This is probably to avoid issues with the NFL concerning the use of the trademarked name "Super Bowl."


  • When Homestar walks and sings, his mouth isn't moving.
  • When Strong Bad looks at the football and the TV, his right eye is bigger than his left.

Inside References

Real-World References

  • "Set it and forget it" is the tag line for the Showtime Rotisserie from Ronco.
  • Toughskins is a brand of children's jeans marketed on their durability.
  • Homestar is wearing the home jersey of the Boston Bruins, an NHL Hockey team.

External Links
