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Hi , I'm HCN and here are some of my favorite pages Strong Sad Lookalike Contest

"I'm simultaneously honored and insulted to be involved in this contest..." The Strong Sad Lookalike Contest is an annual event where contestants are judged on how closely their appearance, voice, and penmanship match Strong Sad's. Anyone is accepted except for Strong Sad himself. It was first seen in the email impression, where Coach Z acted as judge. The Cheat is known to have won sectionals during the years 2000-2003, and for 2003 he dressed as Strong Sad's left elephant-like leg (or "soolnd" as Strong Sad would call it). Strong Bad won the blue ribbon for penmanship in 2003. Homsar's impression was so good, he was mistaken for the real Strong Sad trying to enter the contest and was disqualified. The afterparty was in the Living Room of the Brothers Strong. 2003 contestants

Strong Bad Penmanship Winner 2003

Homestar Runner

Homsar Disqualified

The Cheat Sectional Winner 2000 - 2003

[edit] Channels

Image Channel Name First Appearance Details
Action Cool 5 Action Cool 5 local newsLocal TV station for Strong Badia.
Walking with Trogdor. CG Dinosaur Channel myths & legendsTV network that features shows like Walking With Trogdor
Discover Network Discover Network In Search of the Yello DelloA nature show with an Australian sounding host.
Vague Sports Television Vague Sports Television Coach Z's 110%A sports channel that interviews Homestar Runner in the locker room.
Z' ShopChan Z' ShopChan what I wantStrong Bad and Marzipan describe and sell items that Strong Bad does not want for Decemberween.

[edit] Contestants

Contestant PictureContestantDescriptionScore
Strong Bad and The Cheat (The Cheat as Saberlord's Scritchascratch Cakemonger The Cheat) Strong Bad and Strong Mad rub glazed doughnuts on him and ask him Beauty Pageant questions while Strong Sad styles his hair to get him ready for the pet show. He is also the only real pet in the pet show. DISQUALIFIED!! for flagrant use of "Relish Foot".
Pom Pom and Trivia Time Pom Pom enters Trivia Time into the contest, despite the fact that it is only a cookie jar shaped like a dog and not an actual pet. Was sabotaged by The Cheat. 3.5; Good GPA, terrible pet show score.
The King of Town and an "As Seen On TV Low-Fat Cooking Device" Also not a real pet, the King of Town's cooking device closely resembles the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine. The power cord has been gnawed by The Cheat. NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!
Marzipan and Homestar Runner (Homestar as Fluffle's Buffles Scruffle's Truffles Homestar Runner) This is just Homestar wearing a leash. The winner of the contest. 8.5
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