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Revision as of 17:07, 29 April 2005 by ModestlyHotGirl (Talk | contribs)
Out of all the birds out there, ducks have been mentioned the most in Free Country, USA.
- In one of the In Search Of The Yello Dello DVD deleted scenes, Homestar, Pom Pom, and Strong Sad are all in an airplane. Soon, thanks to horrible piloting skills, Homestar starts hitting birds in midair and shouts, "Somebody get this freaking duck away from me!"
- On Main Page 13, if you scroll your mouse over "Email", Strong Bad runs out carrying a trophy while Atari Dragon chases him, all the while screaming, once again, "Somebody get this freaking duck away from me!"
- In the Strong Bad email lunch special, Strong Bad asks The Cheat if he is a duck. Also a recipe for Duck A L'Orange is given.
- Duck Guardian; an obvious one.
- duck pond: a Strong Bad Email all about ducks, with an accompanying game.
- Halloween Fairstival: After a failed attempt to hold his breath on a ten dollar bet, Strong Bad tells Homestar to try again because "ten is a lot of bucks", Homestar replies with "right, right, a lot of ducks!" Also the King of Town's Turducken has a duck in the center of it.
- In flashback Homestar wears a shirt with a duck on it.
- In morning routine Strong Sad finds a duck egg in the couch.
- In Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 10.2 Marzipan has an abstract thought, namely "Is a penguin a bird or a duck?"