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Revision as of 03:09, 4 November 2022 by The Cheatbot (Talk | contribs)
Aside from usual instances of showering, many residents of Free Country USA bathe or use bathtubs in odd ways.
[edit] Appearances
- The Best Decemberween Ever — Strong Sad says he is locked in the bathtub every Decemberween, presumably by Strong Bad.
- He is seen in this situation in Homestar Presents: Presents and A Decemberween Mackerel, and mentions this on the Feedburner Page.
- Email your friends — Strong Bad thought of torturing The Poopsmith by bathing him, but just thinking about that gave him the jibblies.
- Email privileges — One of the Medallion Gold Plus Club privileges is a "Strong Mad Bath".
- The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show — The King of Town suggests that the Poopsmith try "showering, bathing, and putting on a baseball cap and wearing deodorant outside [his] shirt" to reduce his stink.
- Ever and More (Easter egg) — Homestar Runner is seen bathing in gold coins.
- Email hiding — Homestar hides in Strong Bad's bathtub. Strong Bad asks how this is possible, as he has taken "at least three baths since then". Homestar reassures him with, "Oh, I've been in here," which scares Strong Bad even more.
- Homestar Ruiner — Examining the showers in the locker room, Strong Bad says he prefers a bubble bath with scented candles.
- Strong Badia the Free — Strong Bad is impressed at how Strong Sad maintains the bathtub so cleanly.
- Baddest of the Bands — Strong Sad leaves his sword inside the bathtub, and Strong Bad steals it.
- Hremail 7 — Homestar is not permitted to talk about, drink, or bathe in any liquid besides Melonade until his contract expires. At the end of the toon, he sings, "Gonna take a bath in some Melonade... oh it kinda stings my skin..."
- Doomy Tales of the Macabre — Strong Bad states that The Cheat being eaten by Strong Mad is how The Cheat is given a bath.
- The Homestar Runner Enters The Spooky Woods — Strong Mad fills a bathtub by vomiting up eyeballs, which The Homestar Runner's ghost happily bathes in.