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Here's how to effectively use IRC:

Our IRC channels are #hrwiki and #hrwiki-RC. They can be accessed through, although it is recommended that you use an IRC client.


Contacting an operator

If there is flooding, spamming, or another form of vandalism going on in #hrwiki or #hrwiki-fanstuff, it's best to contact an operator as soon as possible, so he can deal with the offender. Operators are sysops that also help take care of our IRC channels.

General Commands

Message Action
/join <channel name> Opens a window connecting you to the specified channel.
/nick <nickname> Changes your nickname to the new name specified in <nickname>
/msg <username> <message text> Sends a private message to the user specified in <username>
/me <action> Prints a message in the chat room that says you are performing the given action specified in <action>
/quit [<message>] Closes your connection and exits your IRC client, optionally displaying <message> as you quit. The quit message may not display for some clients on
/part [<channel>] [<message>] or /leave [<channel>] [<message>] Causes you to leave only the channel you're in (in some IRC clients), or the channel specified with <channel>, with optional part message <message>.


In some IRC clients, "/msg NickServ" can be shortened to "/ns". Some IRC network administrators recommend using "/ns" as it prevents malicious users from possibly obtaining passwords or other information in the case of an attack on an IRC network.
Message Action
/msg NickServ GHOST <nickname> <password> Reclaims use of a nickname.
/msg NickServ GROUP Configures a "group" of nicknames all owned by and for use by you. These "groups" normally consist of variations of you main nickname. For example, one could have "NASA" and "NASA|Away" in a group.
/msg NickServ UNGROUP [nickname] Removes a nickname from your group.
/msg NickServ IDENTIFY [nickname] <password> Identifies to services for a nickname.
/msg NickServ INFO <nickname> Displays information on registrations.
/msg NickServ LISTCHANS Lists channels that you have access to.
/msg NickServ REGISTER <password> <email address> Registers a nickname.
/msg NickServ SET <command> <parameters> Sets various control flags.
/msg NickServ RELEASE <nickname> [password] Releases a services enforcer.
/msg NickServ DROP <nickname> <password> Makes NickServ remove a nickname owned by you. If this nickname is a part of a group, this will not drop the group; only the nickname specified from the group.
/msg NickServ HELP <command> [parameters] Displays help information on all commands.
/msg NickServ LOGOUT Logs you out of the account that you are currently logged into.
/msg NickServ TAXONOMY <nickname> Lists metadata information associated with registered users.


In some IRC clients, "/msg MemoServ" can be shortened to "/ms". Some IRC network administrators recommend using "/ms" as it prevents malicious users from possibly obtaining memos or other information in the case of an attack on an IRC network.
Note: All operations involving a given channel must have you as AUTOOP access or higher.
Message Action
/msg MemoServ HELP <command> [parameters] Displays contextual help information.
/msg MemoServ SEND <nick> <text> Sends a memo to a user.
/msg MemoServ SENDOPS <#channel> <text> Sends a memo to all ops on a channel.
/msg MemoServ LIST Lists all of your memos.
/msg MemoServ READ <number/NEW> Reads a memo.
/msg MemoServ FORWARD <nick> <number> Forwards a memo.
/msg MemoServ DELETE <number/all> Deletes memos.
/msg MemoServ IGNORE ADD <nick>/DEL <nick>/LIST/CLEAR Ignores memos.
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