Strong Bad's Message Bored

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I'm so Bored!

The Strong Bad Message Bored was a fan bulletin board. This board did not require registration, and the interface was very basic. You can still access the old header with all of the Easter eggs by clicking on the Strong Bad sticker on the front of the blue mailbox on the Email page.


The Main Stuff

A common occurrence on the board was for someone to post that he or she had found a new Easter egg by clicking on the 'O' in Message Bored, even though this egg had already been found and catalogued by the various fan groups of the time. The email "invisibility" makes fun of this by having the discarded Tandy 400 divulge the "secret" of the message bored "O".

The features of the message bored were simple—

(the ones that matter)
  • 1. Be cool.
  • 2. Be awesome.
  • 3. Be hilarious.
  • 4. Don't be stupid.
(the boring ones)
  • 5.You can use HTML in the body of your messages.
  • 6.Look, if a message says it's from me, then it really is. I totally delete all imposters, man.
Break a rule and get totally booted out.

The End of the Message Bored

As the site grew in popularity, a newer, more advanced message board was created at on May 12th, 2003, but was closed citing overwhelming response within the first day of existence. Here is what The Brothers Chaps put up—

YOU GUYS WENT NUTS!! Okay, so we kinda underestimated the response the new bored would get. In the span of just a few hours, about a thousand people registered. That rules! Unfortunately, we didn't have stuff configured to handle that kinda slammage. So bear with us while we figure something else out. Until then, enjoy Strong Bad's Message Bored Games. If you don't know, ask the Tandy.

"Ask the Tandy", is, again, a reference to "invisibility".

Easter Eggs

  • Roll over Strong Bad's head to hear him say three different things.
    • "Ohhhh, I'm so bored!"
    • "!derob os m'I ,hhhhO" (Ohhhh, I'm so bored! backwards)
    • "Why don't you post something already?"
  • Leave the mouse on his head to repeat the phrases over and over.

Fun Facts

  • As Matt and Mike divulge in one of the DVD commentaries, one of the regulars of the old Strong Bad Message Bored was a certain Pablo, most well known for sending in the email that was the basis for flag day. You can still see messages posted by him in the original archived message bored in the external links.
  • When the bored was up, different messages were displayed on the main page—
    • "Welcome to the Message Bored. Eternally runnin on empty."
    • "Welcome to the Bored. The proof isn't the taste!"
  • If you use a seek bar, then you can see that the score and lives are carried over from game to game. Also, if you pause The Cheat's Smoking Challenge or Armless Invaders on the go screen, then you can use the cheat to get a higher score in Nighttime Driving Type Game. Finally, Strong Bad's high score on Nighttime Driving Type Game replaces your score, but this cannot be seen without a seek bar.
Score:32050(0) Lives:-(4)
  • On any game, if on the .swf file, right click on the game, and click play. You can keep dying but never get a game over! The trade off, you can not move on The Cheat's Smoking Challenge.

External Links

Page Title: Remember what the Tandy Told You.
Page Title: Strong Bad's Message BORED
  • View the new bored after it closed (mirror)
Page Title: There's Too Many of Them!!!
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