Compy, Inc.

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Compy Inc.
Products Home Computers and Laptop Computers
Slogan If it doesn't say Compy, it might not be a computer.

Compy, Inc. is the name of the company that manufactures the Compy 386, the Lappy 486, the Compé, the Roomy-Vac, the Grampy Aught-Six, the Lappier, the Compy Phone and probably the Compydore 64.

The name probably has multiple real-world references. The loading screen for the game Population: Tire indicates a parody of Commodore International. The name "Compy" and the overall look of the computer itself is somewhat evocative of Compaq Computer Corporation, which happened to produce a Compaq 386. The logo is reminiscent of the IBM logo.

Also, the 80386 and 80486 (commonly just called the 386 and 486) were early Intel processors, another reference to Strong Bad's preference for older technology.

[edit] Appearances

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