HRWiki:Featured article for 2009, week 8
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Dennis is a name frequently used, especially in Thy Dungeonman. Dennis is sometimes used as one of the "obvious exits" in the Thy Dungeonman games, its opposite being "Not Dennis". In the first game, he wears a sporty frock coat and a long "jimberjam", and enjoys pacing nervously. Thy Dungeonman thinks Dennis is boring to have a conversation with. To win the first game, you must give Dennis a trinket. Then he tells you what parapets are, allowing Thy Dungeonman to leave thy dungeon. In the next game, Dennis has a significantly smaller role as an Easter egg. Dennis was later seen in web comics in the "The Animated Adventures of Thy Dungeonman" portion of "Saturday Mornideo Games" as a cartoon form of the word "Dennis" chasing "Ye Flask". Beyond "Thy Dungeonman", several other line drops in the Homestar Runner body of work have surfaced from time to time, but it isn't always clear whether or not the Dennis mentioned is referring to the same Dennis in Thy Dungeonman. (more...)