From Homestar Runner Wiki
Lasagna is an Italian delicacy. Multiple times, it has been talked about or shown in awkward and/or unusual places.
[edit] Appearances
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2 — Old-Timey Strong Bad tells a joke about American presidents William Henry Harrison and James Garfield enjoying lasagna.
- Sbemail 169 Deleted Scene — To stop Coach Z from annoying him, Strong Bad says that a customer service rep puked up her microwave lasagna.
- DNA Evidence — Coach Z takes a towel to work to see if it can clean up microwave lasagna stains.
- Email business trip — The King of Town "writes" a piece of lasagna on a piece of paper. Also, in the DVD commentary, Homestar Runner mentions the lasagna, but mispronounces it.