My Dog
From Homestar Runner Wiki
From the Pumpkin Carve-nival DVD commentary:
MIKE: Did he just call Pom Pom his dog?
MATT: Yeah, I think that might have been one of the first "my dog"s.
MIKE: You know, we were just talking about how we've been using "my dog" a lot recently.
Characters (usually Homestar Runner) occasionally refer to other people as their dog, which is slang for "friend".
[edit] Appearances
- Pumpkin Carve-nival — Strong Bad dressed as Homestar says to Pom Pom, "My dog."
- A Folky Tale (Easter egg) — Bubs says to Homestar, "You is my dog too."
- Play Date — Homestar calls Pom Pom "Pom Dog" and refers to himself as "Homedog".
- A Death Defying Decemberween — Homestar Runner calls Coach Z "dog".
- Kick-A-Ball — Homestar again calls Pom Pom "my dog".
[edit] Doge
- Biz Cas Fri 1 — Puppet Homestar says to Puppet Strong Bad, "What is up, my dog" (spelled D-O-G-E).
- Email alternate universe — Vector Strong Bad refers to Stinkoman as "MY DOGE" (pronounced doh-zh).
- @StrongBadActual tweet (23 Apr 2016) — Strong Bad posts "HAVE A FISH MY DOGE." with a GIF of Vector Strong Bad as a penguin.
[edit] Variations
- Email myths & legends — As Homestar was describing his first encounter with the Bear Holding a Shark, he began his story by saying, "I was in the woods, walking my dog, Pom Pom." In this instance, Homestar is referring to his friend literally as a dog (or, rather, mistaking him for one).