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These are the French subtitles for Arcade Game. watch this toon
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <transcript xml:lang="fr" file="arcadegame.swf" width="550" height="400"> <line start="62" end="75"> <homestar voiceover="voiceover">Strong Bad !</homestar> </line> <line start="97" end="133"> <homestar>Hé Strong Bad, je peux encore t'emprunter ton service à fondue ?</homestar> </line> <line start="140" end="150"> <homestar>Oh.</homestar> </line> <line start="151" end="166"> <homestar>T'es pas là.</homestar> </line> <line start="170" end="190"> <homestar>Je vais découvrir le fin mot de l'histoire !</homestar> </line> <line start="196" end="248"> <homestar>Cher Strong Bad, Où es-tu ? Ton ami, Homestar.</homestar> </line> <line start="260" end="267"> <homestar>Oh !</homestar> </line> <line start="271" end="300"> <homestar>"Au sous-sol. De SB."</homestar> </line> <line start="302" end="331"> <homestar>Ohhh, ça doit vouloir dire Stong Bah.</homestar> </line> <line start="333" end="339"> <sfx>Bruit du levage</sfx> </line> <line start="362" end="410"> <sfx>Bruits de machine d'arcade</sfx> </line> <line start="411" end="434"> <homestar>Hé les gars ! À quoi vous jouez ?</homestar> </line> <line start="441" end="455"> <strongbad>Euh, jouer ?</strongbad> </line> <line start="459" end="475"> <strongbad>Non, on fait, euh,</strongbad> </line> <line start="477" end="491"> <strongbad>on fait les impôts de Le Cheat.</strongbad> </line> <line start="492" end="514"> <strongmad>W-2 !!!</strongmad> </line> <line start="515" end="547"> <homestar>Bar-bant. Je veux pas jouer à ça.</homestar> </line> <line start="560" end="583"> <strongbad>Argh ! Paysan stupide.</strongbad> </line> <line start="586" end="598"> <other voiceover="voiceover">Trogdor !</other> </line> <line start="599" end="616"> <strongbad>Woah !</strongbad> </line> <line start="617" end="629"> <strongbad>Vraiment cool !</strongbad> </line> <line start="632" end="643"> <other voiceover="voiceover">Trogdor !</other> </line> <line start="650" end="662"> <other voiceover="voiceover">Trogdor !</other> </line> <line start="666" end="679"> <strongbad>Bon, qui est le suivant ?</strongbad> </line> <line start="687" end="695"> <thecheat>Paroles de Le Cheat</thecheat> </line> <line start="696" end="717"> <strongbad>Ouais, d'accord.</strongbad> </line> <line start="733" end="746"> <thecheat>Paroles de Le Cheat</thecheat> </line> <line start="747" end="760"> <strongbad>Oh, oui.</strongbad> </line> <line start="762" end="776"> <strongbad>Et voilà, mon p'tit gars.</strongbad> </line> <line start="780" end="824"> <sfx>musique de jeu</sfx> </line> <line start="825" end="840"> <all volume="1.3">TROGDOR !</all> </line> <line start="841" end="854"> <other voiceover="voiceover">Trogdor !</other> </line> <line start="856" end="900"> <sfx>Bruits de machine d'arcade</sfx> </line> <line start="901" end="914"> <strongbad>Whoa, joli coup !</strongbad> </line> <line start="915" end="928"> <strongbad>T'es un maître !</strongbad> </line> <line start="929" end="1101"> <sfx>Bruits de machine d'arcade</sfx> </line> <line start="1105" end="1138"> <homestar>Hé, vous pourriez vous occuper de mes impôts, après ?</homestar> </line> <line start="1156" end="1166"> <homestar>...Les gars ?</homestar> </line> <line start="1191" end="1217"> <homestar>...Dites, elle est énorme votre calculatrice.</homestar> </line> <line start="1218" end="1245"> <sfx>Bruits de machine d'arcade</sfx> </line> </transcript>