Talk:Homestar Runner Smiling

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This is the talk page of a deleted article. Please do not participate in the discussions archived here. If you can provide a reason for the existence of this page that hasn't been discussed below, you may start a new section. Please refer to the inclusion guidelines that are generally applied to judge an article's merit.

[edit] He smiles all the time

The look with his mouth slightly open (like that in our logo) is quite clearly his version of a smile. He's too much of a happy-go-lucky guy and uses it too often to be able to even entertain any other claim. Delete — Defender1031*Talk 12:40, 6 May 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, that's pretty much an exact analysis. Note also that, unlike with the bad guy-ish Strong Bad and the depressio Strong Sad, there's nothing particularly out of character about Homestar smiling, which is one of the primary justifications for the the SB and SS smiling articles. So yes, delete this one. Heimstern Läufer 13:03, 6 May 2011 (UTC)
To add to the above, I think he's especially smiling when he leans back, like in our logo. This happens often. This article should be deleted. — It's dot com 16:41, 26 April 2013 (UTC)
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