Talk:some kinda robot

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Ding! some kinda robot is a featured article, which means it showcases an important part of the Homestar Runner body of work and/or highlights the fine work of this wiki. We also might just think it's cool. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, feel free to contribute.


[edit] Fixed width email

I'm totally liking the monospaced email. But will we get in trouble when Strong Bad starts commenting during the emails? Or when he pronounces something special? -- Tom 12:05, 20 Jul 2004 (MST)

I dunno. Check out how I did the monospaced email over at pom pom (email). I don't think it presents any problems. — wikisig.gif Joey (talk·edits) 11:56, 21 Jul 2004 (MST)

Ah, this takes me back, Tom-a-kins. Oh, and happy Joey Day, everybody. --Not Strong Bad 03:31, 16 Sep 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Engrish SBEmail1 transcript

STRONG BAD: {Singing as he types "run strongbad's_email"} It is the person who inspects that E-mail everything of well who? That me, is Strong Baaad.

{The email appears on the screen, and Strong Bad reads it out loud.}

Strong Bad it becomes love, 

Before sleeping, are the mask and the boxing 
grab where you struggle taken?

Including sincerity,
Abdi LaRue San Diego and California

{Strong Bad calls up a blank screen and reads to himself as he types his response.}

STRONG BAD: It is good, that is foolish question and Abdi. Before sleeping, are your surface and the hand TJ0 0N removed? In that case, it is the robot of a certain kind? In that case, it possesses some kind of power? Or are those used because it keeps being surprised? We would like to combine strength? I happen being the criminal heart where our times are exactly splendid. {Signs off "—Strong Bad", and then stops typing.}

It was understood up to the following time. Mean the storing which sends your question to me and as for me the pleasure which you make... I those, answer.

{The Paper comes down. It says "Click here to e-mail strong bad". Clicking on the text opens up a blank e-mail addressed to}

[edit] Bad First Time

Even though this was the 1st email, I just have to say it kind of sucked... -Kinsey

Well, only ten people emailed them, unlike the thousands that do today Rogue Leader / (my talk)

I think the last line was a bit funny, and I think this e-mail is better than tape-leg. -Everybody Everybody

Oh, I dunno. Even if it isn't the same sort of standard as the later ones, you have to respect it because it started a legacy, and because it's the definition of a email without gimmicks as described in gimmicks. AK47x2

[edit] Order

The most recent e-mails have Computer listed before Date. Shouldn't this be consistent? I don't really see why my edit was reverted. Crystallina 00:58, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Something

this is not the First email ever as it says at the top of the article. according to at least

Ummm, the email in isn't real. Just the same as all but two of the emails mentioned in personal favorites aren't real. --videlectrix.pngENUSY discussionitem_icon.gif user.gifmail_icon.gif, 15:48, 9 August 2005 (BST)
OK...i get it. Thanks--StrongBad110990 14:56, 9 Aug 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Release date

[1] does this mean the 16th was the date of the first email? Or am I totally wrong? Is there some way to use the archives to find out further release dates of stuff? Thunderbird 01:09, 9 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Well, how did you suspect it was the 16th in the first place?-^Gordon—584^ my talk

That means that the HR:sbemail.html page existed on Aug 16, 2001. Your guess is as good as mine if that was the date of the first email.
What I find interesting is the source code for that page you link to there, which contains:
Dear Strong Bad, I bet that teachers pet. Have you ever heard such a thing ever before? -Bow-legged a>
Interesting indeed. I'll bet we can find all sorts of goodies hidden around in there, a la If I Ran the Camera. -- Tom 15:14, 29 Sep 2005 (UTC)*/ It seems to say here that the page was created on October 16. Omnisweater 02:39, 18 December 2008 (UTC)
I wonder if this relates to autobiography, where "bow-legged" is one of the "words [he] probably said".

Okay, I finally got the release date and added it into the article. According to the 2011 Calendar, this email was released on August 22, 2001. - 18:12, 15 December 2010 (UTC)

[edit] Rock Opera?

What if we went through all of the emails up through #125 and listened to them for the specific instance of each word that was used for Rock Opera and highlight it? I'm sure join here would be easy, it's short, but as we near 125, it'll get harder and those "good"s and "I'm"s will be a pain, but if we spend our time finding the first Geddup noise, we can surely do this. Any input?

Actually, we've already done just that, but in reverse, at Rock Opera Context. --DorianGray

Alrighty, then. You fellas really are obsessed about this stuff, eh?

Heh, not really, but when you have so many people doing one project, it gets done pretty quickly and each person only has to do a little bit... - Camalex(talk) 15:30, 4 Oct 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Closed STUFF

[edit] The greatest Gene Hackman of our time

The phrase "the greatest criminal mind of our time" could be taken from "Superman: The Movie," where Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) refers to himself with said phrase.

Posted on: 19:28, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
Closed: 07:55, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

VERDICT: This item was overwhelmingly accepted, 14–1. The votes and arguments have been moved to HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/some kinda robot.

[edit] abdi

How could abdi have e-mailed strong bad if sbemails weren't around? Was there some kind of intro video to sbemails?

There was probably some kind of notice on the site inviting people to send in an email. — It's dot com 03:05, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
They had a forum back then, too, if I recall. --DorianGray 03:38, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
The commentary partially answers this... --Jay (Gobble) 05:20, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
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