Diary Archive
Welcome to the Diary Archive!, the place where nostalgia is a virus! I guess?
2nd January 2021: 19:19
2nd January 2021: 19:19
A big edit has been planted by me! It'll probably get deleted sooner or later by an admin. But anyway I hope you're happy that I'm not dead.
Update at 23:01:
No one's deleted my edits yet! I think I'm in the clear! Also modified Ruffle too.
2nd June 2018: 15:45
subject: diary
"The Discovery"
I discovered an old Downloads page on the Web Archive. I'll most likely create a page about it.
You can tell it's old because it links to the Strong Mad stickers!
PS: I upgraded from the Tandy to the Lappy!
PPS: I made the page! Oldest Downloads Menu
5th September 2017: 08:40
I guess I was really mad yesterday. Phew! (Gfdgsgxgzgdrc is a really hard to pronounce.)
Speaking about Gfdgsgxgzgdrc, I've forgiven him... For reals this time!
I guess thats all I have today... So...
4th September 2017: 11:49
Turns out most of my contributions as CoachZiscool1978 has been DELETED! I'm furious! But the person who started it (Gfdgsgxgzgdrc) has given a good reason... So I won't be a crying Strong Sad...
Peace out!
CoachZiscool1978 (You really thought I would give out my real name? Ha! Yeah right I'm doing that!)