Talk:geddup noise

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m (Strong Mad said what?)
(Bubs' Basement...)
Line 98: Line 98:
"This is proof that Bubs Conncesion Stand ''does'' have a basement."
"This is proof that Bubs Conncesion Stand ''does'' have a basement."
So, um, why exactly is that so important to note?
So, um, why exactly is that so important to note?--[[User:Spanky The Dolphin|Spanky The Dolphin]] 23:43, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Revision as of 23:43, 26 September 2005


steve buttz

dont you guys notice that the e-mail he was ansering when he got a phone call was from steve buttz? i think you should note that.-User:Timmy!

Um, yeah, we do that.
The email kids' book is on the Compy 386 when the Geddup Noise gets his phone call. Kids' book is the 84th email Strong Bad mentioned.
See? It's in the remarks section. - Joshua

corporate magazines

do we really need the strong sad/kurt cobain refernce in both remarks, and real world references? having it in one or the other would make more sense. - i know. can you believe it?

Taken care of. Thnks for pointing it out. small_logo.pngUsername-talk 14:10, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)
In future it'd be easier for you to just fix it yourself. When an article comes out for something new like this, there's usually a lot of frenzied editing, everyone wants to get their point in. Duplicates do often turn up - just delete one, leave whichever one is more grammatical/detailed/in a more appropriate section. --phlip TC 14:23, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

OMG Kevin!

Homestar being called Kevin is referring to the bet, right? -MK and/or BurnBox 15:05, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Adding to the Cast

Shouldn't we add The Geddup Noise and Chairscoot to the cast for this email, since they're kinda referred to as characters throughout? --Tigz 15:17, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

No, we shouldn't. But we should make a page for the Geddup Noise. - Joshua 15:21, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Get Up Kids?

Does it seem likely/noteworthy to anyone that the e-mail (esp. in relation indie music) was vaguely referencing or inspired by the (recently broken-up) band The Get Up Kids? If so, someone should write that into the article in an elegant fashion. Perhaps. -Sinisterscrawl 16:41, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

As cool as the Get Up Kids are/were, I don't think there's any connection there. — THE SMOKING MONKEY

Shoshoni & Coches

I'm too lazy to do it myself, but ought there to be some Explanations for Shoshoni and Coches? A cursory, 5-minute search has failed to give me a good idea of where the latter are; just some ski resort sites in other languages. I assume they're a mountain range in either France or Spain or both, but if it's that far removed from common knowledge an Explanation might be in order. notstrongorbad

"coches" is spanish for cars. not sure if this is related. sarducci

"les coches" is a ski resort

Coach Z's Dance

_Not_ the one from folky tale. In folky tale, coach Z hops from foot to foot while pumping his arms up and down above his head. In the easter egg, he hops on one foot (his right) across the screen with his arms down at his sides, moving slightly up-and down. Deleted the "inside reference" claiming it was the same. -sarducci

It's similar, though. But still not the same. My first thought, though, was the 'I'm Just Me' song and dance from record book. --DorianGray
Oh, good catch. I does seem to be identical to the I'm just me dance, cept he's moving across the screen, not just up and down. Is this worth a mention? -sarducci
Might be worth a mention. I dunno. If people don't like it, they can always STUFF it. --DorianGray

Strong Mad said what?

It sounded to me like Strong Mad said "YOU SUCK!" instead of "BLUE SOCK!" Anybody else think so? ACupOfCoffee 19:17, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

It did sound like that a little, but "BLUE SOCK" definitely fits the context better. --DorianGray
But wouldn't that explain why Strong Bad was embarassed to have shown that "clip"? ACupOfCoffee 19:40, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)
I heard you suck at first, but a closer listen revealed blue sock to be true. small_logo.pngUsername-talk 19:43, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)
No, it wouldn't. It showed Strong Bad selling out and imitating The Geddup Noise, which would be embarrassing to someone like Strong Bad, don'cha think? "Blue sock" definitely fits better. --Jay (Gobble) 20:24, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)
Actually, to me it sounds like a mix: "YOU SUCK BLUE SOCK!", and the fact that HE did a ripoff is rather embarassing. --Ookelaylay 23:43, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

It's About Freakin' Time!

Anyone else find it weird that for almost 2 months, TBC diddn't do any SBEmails (almost all they do) to do two big toons, two shorts, multiple Lament updates, a new main page, a new navigation feature, and add several new products to the store? Plus several of the newer emails have sucked. I think the SBEmails are dying.---RatherAnnoying

-If you noticed, they said they were putting out a DVD of all the non Strong bad email stuff, so they were probably just rushing to get out all the ideas they had for toons before the DVD went to press......Nah...

-I think they were trying to fill up the site with newer stuff for a few possible reasons. A.) Trying to make sure that their site has things other than the SBEmail get updated. B.)Trying to get enough toons and shorts added so they can release a Toons DVD. C.) Perhaps they figured that all those updates might help boost the sites popularity. I do think it should be noted about how this is the first SBEmail in a while. 20X6 GEM

2 months without an e-mail And this is the demented result... I'll be happier when Stinkoman level 10 comes out (I hope)... Man, some of the e-mails I sent had such cool premises, and THEY ANSWER ONE ABOUT THE NOISE STRONG BAD MAKES WHEN HE GETS OFF HIS CHAIR... GUUH GUUUH GUH...

Signed, this may very well be my least favorite email. I-- it's... just not funny. 7omεpsilon

Goofs and a Question

I have several points/questions:

  • In the part where Strong Bad immitates the Geddup Noise with the Git Outcha Seat Sound, if you notice, the chair his sitting on only has three legs! (And there's no way the perspective would hide the 4th leg)
  • I'm not sure if this counts as a goof: When you click on the notepad easter egg, you can click on the back pages (over where the stool is) and still get the Technochocolate easter egg.
  • Finally, I noticed that both of Bubs' eyelids closed when Coach Z was making his first impression of the Geddup Noise. I'm wondering, is this the first time he does that? I don't remember ever seeing him do that before.

That's enough for now. I'm still new at this, so I appreciate your input! --Stux 20:13, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Also, I made a link addittion, but I cannot corroborate the change made by (in the Inside References section). Please double check. --Stux 21:14, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

BTW I think the ("cordless") phone deserves its own page. --Stux 23:22, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

It already has a page. --DorianGray
Oh! My bad! Thanks for the link! I saw where it's referred to in the page. --Stux 23:27, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)
Any time. Happy to help, etc. --DorianGray

Is This Correct?

The part about Marc's question being odd in because the Geddup Noise was in the previous email doesn't make sense to me. This is in Remarks. This email could have been easily sent before User:Catman87

It's possible, but I don't think they'd save an email for that long. Keep in mind how long ago the last email was. --DorianGray

Bubs' Basement...

"This is proof that Bubs Conncesion Stand does have a basement."

So, um, why exactly is that so important to note?--Spanky The Dolphin 23:43, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

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