User talk:Homestar Coder/Talk Archive 2005

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Greetings! I am the Amanda and this is my talk archive. This page contains summaries of all of the discussions which have happened on my page. You can click on the "more" links to read the whole discussion. Please do not add discussion to this page or any of the other archival pages; any new discussion should go on my current talk page.
December 2005

An electronic reply!
Discussion of zeppelins with Sir Strong Bad. (more)

Let's have a polka party!
Weird Al rocks. (more)

Stux gave me sugar and coffee. (more)

Like it was meant to be!
Fun with pictures. (more)

Hey (What Happened to H*R?)
TBC went away for a while and there was much confusion. (more)

Two more images identified. (more)

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