A Decemberween Mackerel

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Revision as of 00:40, 15 December 2010 by Wbwolf (Talk | contribs)
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Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Xeriouxly Forxe Homestarloween Party
At Decemberween time, it's our duty as people with more than one DVR to help those much, much, much, much, way very, very, very much, really smelly, a lot much less fortunate than us.

Senor Cardgage says he's dying so Marzipan tries to stuff him with Decemberween spirit to save him.'

Cast: Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Coach Z, Senor Cardgage, Strong Sad, Senor Cardgage, Pom Pom, Bubs, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, The Cheat, The Poopsmith, The King of Town, Homsar

Places: The Field, Marzipan's House, Bubs' Concession Stand

Date: December 14, 2010

Running Time: 6:05

Page Title: We Come Down Off Our High Horse!



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Easter Eggs

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Fun Facts


  • This is only the second toon of 2010.
  • On the homepage, when "new holiday toon!" is moused over, it words change to "for real!"


Inside References

  • Strong Sad is locked in a bathtub.
  • This is another instance of Making Out.
  • Homestar says "Oh, Twice" in one of the easter eggs.
  • This is another instance of death.
  • Coach Z pops up wearing a Blubb-O's box.
  • The silhouettes of Homeschool Winner, Champeen, Preshy, Rafferdy and The Hurricane appear in line for Bubs'.
  • The last line of Marzipan and Homestar's carol, "Coach Z's been drinking nonspecific mouthwash," is a reference to the song "O Decemberween" at the end of The Best Decemberween Ever. The original line was "Coach Z's been drinking Listerine."
  • Senor Cardgage appears from hammerspace, accompanied by the traffic noise first heard in hremail3184.

Real World References

  • Homestar's quote, "Later on, we'll conspire," is from the Christmas song "Let It Snow".

External Links

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