XML Sources

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This page contains the sources of various XML files found in homestarrunner.com. This page is part of the collection of site components.


Weeklies XML File

This file specifies some things about the Weeklies that appear at the top of the main pages. For the Quote of the Week, the quote itself and which character's picture is displayed is defined in this file. The captions are defined for the Fanstuff and Sketchbook, but the actual images used are specified elsewhere.


External links

Random Toon XML File

This lists toons on the site, from which one is selected at random when a user clicks the R button along the top of the main page, the rando link in the bottom navigation bar, or go rando! in the Strong Bad Email menu (only the emails are used in this instance). The file specifies the caption shown in the random pop-up, and the actual file to load.


External links

See Also

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