Blue Laser
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Revision as of 18:17, 21 April 2005 by ISlayedTheKerrek (Talk | contribs)
Blue Laser is the sworn enemy of The Cheat Commandos. They are a parody of Cobra, the principal evildoers of the G.I. Joe cartoons on which Cheat Commandos is based. This can be seen in the fact that Blue Laser:
- Has a Commander with a high squeaky voice and a partially obscured face
- Threatens to blow up the ocean (as Cobra threatened to do in a one particularly funny G. I. Joe episode)
- Succeeds only in blowing up its own minions
- Fires lasers of opposite color than the heroes. In this case, blue -- the same color Cobra used in the G. I. Joe cartoon.
If you watch closely, you'll see that Blue Laser's eyepatch moves from one eye to the other, depending on which direction he's facing.