Halloween Fairstival

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Bobbin' for turduckens

The Cheat gets the hiccups on Halloween and Strong Bad sets out to cure him.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Strong Mad, The Cheat, Coach Z, Strong Sad, Bubs, The King Of Town, Pom Pom, The Poopsmith, Homsar (easter egg), Marzipan, Homestar Runner

Page Title: A Boogidy, Boogidy



{Strong Bad, Strong Mad and The Cheat are walking along in regular clothing in the daytime, then the night background comes in as if a part of the day background and as the three cross it, they get changed in to their costumes as the opening credits roll;
"Halloween Fairstival" / Spoken By Matt and Missy / Maken By Mike and Matt / Here go the first scene...}

STRONG BAD: Alright boys, it's Halloween night, what we gonna do?

{The Cheat hiccups}

STRONG BAD: Come again?

{Again, The Cheat hiccups}

STRONG BAD: What's wrong there, Philly Cheat-steak? You got-a some Hiccups?

{Again, The Cheat hiccups}

STRONG BAD: Well you picked the perfect night to have them. We shouldn't have any trouble scaring the hiccups out of you on Halloween. Let's see what's going on tonight. There's gotta be something scary.

{Zoom in on poster with "Coach Z's Haunted Locka-room" adorned on it}

STRONG BAD: Ooh, that's perfect! I've seen some stuff in that locker room that would scare more than just the hiccups out of you, let me tell ya. Let's check it on out!

{Cut to a haunted locker room with a dark screen and green gas along the floor}

STRONG BAD: You scared yet The Cheat? What about that drippy towel over there? That's pretty scary huh? {in a scared voice} Oh no, please don't drip on me! You smell like shin guards!

{Coach Z appears}

COACH Z: {in a frightening voice} Crackity towel! Tommy John surgery!

STRONG BAD: {clears throat} Coach, we're trying to scare the hiccups out of The Cheat. You got anything that's not just gross and moist?

COACH Z: What could be scarier than Blue Star ointment?! Ooooooh! (pronouced "aawooooeeeeorrrrre")

STRONG BAD: Alright, this has gone from weird and kinda gross to a serious health risk. Let's bolt.

COACH Z: Hey! You guys didn't even get your candy out of the terlet (toilet) there!

{Cut to Strong Sad under a banner that says 'Strong Sad's Haunted Haikus'}

STRONG SAD: This night. Black as pitch. Doom from inside me wells up. Pray I don't get egged.

STRONG BAD: I don't know or care what a Hiookoo is. But we need to scare The Cheat.

STRONG SAD: Ooh, I got just the thing! Rapping at the door. Fills up aged pillow case. So sick of Smarties.

STRONG BAD: Oh I get it, let me try one! A butt for a face, Little brother: Dork Dork Dork, Stay out of my room. I'm sorry The Cheat, looks like we got to find some other way to scare the ever-loving hiccups out of you.

STRONG SAD: You don't SCARE the hiccups out of somebody! You gotta laugh 'em out!

STRONG BAD: Whoa! That sounds like a segue!

{Cut to Bubs, against the side wall of his concession stand, under a neon sign reading 'Ha Ha Halloween'}

BUBS: I mean seriously people, it's the 90s! Am I right? Am I left? {Strong Mad laughs}

STRONG BAD: Say Bubs, your comedy club bears a striking resemblance to the side of your concession stand.

BUBS: Aww, that's rich. You know something else bears a striking resemblance to something else? Women can't drive!

STRONG BAD: Awwwww, let's get out here, my bad pennies.

{Strong Bad and the Cheat leave}


BUBS: And, airline food! I mean, humminah-what? {Bubs hits his head with his microphone. Strong Mad laughs again}

{cut to sign 'The KOT's verry Halloween related turducken bob'; pan to the King of Town with three turduckens in mashed potatoes}

KING OF TOWN: Hurry, hurry, hurry! Before I eat it all! Step right up and get your Halloween on! Bobbin' for Turduckens!

STRONG BAD: Dear Oldie, Shut up! Your pal, Strong Bad.

KING OF TOWN: Howdy, boys. Either of you got a wicked mashed potato Jones?

STRONG BAD: Whoa! Mashed Potato Jones. Now there's a fella I'd like to meet!

{Cheat hiccups}

STRONG BAD: Oh yeah, we need to get rid of The Cheat's hiccups. You got any grody old man remedies?

KING OF TOWN: Sure! You gotta feed and feed the hiccups until they mature into liver failure! And then...

STRONG BAD: We're not trying to kill The Cheat! Don't ya have anything that could just scare him?

KING OF TOWN: I have this X-Ray of my heart.

{KOT holds up an x-ray showing a ham where his heart should be}

STRONG BAD: That's not scary. That's... promising! Come on The Cheat. Let's let the king die in peace.

{King of Town's mask spins into a sad face, like then character he's dressed up as}

KING OF TOWN: Yes. Let's.

{Cut to Pom Pom and the Poopsmith}

STRONG BAD: What's up, no talkers? Keep on ... no talking.

{Cut to Marzipan standing with a guitar next to a stall of fruit }

STRONG BAD: What is this mess?

MARZIPAN: Ready everybody? A one, and a two and a here we go! {Marzipan sings}

STRONG BAD: The Cheat, this is it! This is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen!

{The Cheat hiccups}


MARZIPAN: Good Job The Cheat! Now try harmonizing with the butternut squashes! {sings}

STRONG BAD: This might not get rid of the hiccups, but it's about to give me the throw ups!

MARZIPAN: Oh yeah! Lay it on me Mr. Corn!

{Strong Bad makes vomitting noises}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {appears from behind a tree, on which is a sign reading 'back alley dealings'} Hey Guys, hey guys, hey guys guys guys! You guys...errrr...need some witches brew? I got some right here. 2 jars. Cold, hot, fresh witches brew! Only ten bucks a pop! Side effects include wine, women, and song. {He holds up two jars labelled 'brüe'}

STRONG BAD: Witches brew eh... Alright, we'll take one jar!


{The Cheat drinks it and hiccups}

STRONG BAD: Oh crap! He's still got em!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That'll be ten bucks! Please drive around to the second window!

STRONG BAD: Aww okay... But uhhh, can you pay us the ten bucks tomorrow?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Nah I'm good for it. I'll pay you the ten bucks right now!

STRONG BAD: Hey The Cheat, I'll give you ten bucks if you stop hiccupping!

{The Cheat tucks the cash into his costume and stops}

STRONG BAD: Ooh! Hey Homestar! I'll give you ten bucks if you stop breathing!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Okay, you got a deal! {Homestar tries for a couple of seconds} Strong Bad... I couldn't do it... For very long...

STRONG BAD: I'd try again. Ten is a lot of bucks.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Right right, a lot of ducks!

{He keeps trying during the fade}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on The Poopsmith's belt to unlock a scene with Homsar.
    • Also, after clicking on The Poopsmith's belt, Marzipan's eggplant in the following scene will have a spoon taped to it. This is a reference to an easter egg in Pumpkin Carve-nival, in which Homsar's "pumpkin" is an eggplant with a spoon taped to it.
  • Clicking on Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom, The Cheat, Bubs and Marzipan at the end will unlock additional dialogue.
  • Clicking on Strong Mad at the end reveals an additional scene at Bubs' Ha-Ha-Halloween Comedy Club.
  • If you unlocked the Homsar easter egg, he'll appear with everyone else after you click the Strong Mad easter egg.
    • Actually, I think Homsar will always appear after you click Strong Mad, even if you didn't access Homsar's egg during the toon. At least, that's how it worked for me.

Fun Facts

  • The page title is a reference to Malloween Commercial.
  • Although Witches' Br�e is a frequently-mentioned inside joke, this is the first time we've actually seen it and been informed of its supposed effects. Also, the product's misspelling in this particular cartoon may be a reference to the rock band M�tley Cr�e.
  • When The Cheat drinks the jar of Witches' Br�e, the jar is still full.
  • The tune that Marzipan hums, and that plays under the opening credits and in most scene changes, is the refrain from the song "I'm Your Captain" by the 1970s American rock & roll band Grand Funk Railroad.
  • Strong Bad's Cesar-Romero-as-the-Joker costume is frighteningly accurate, right down to the mustache semi-concealed by white pancake makeup.
  • A turducken is a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken.
  • "The Three Most Important People in the World" are characters in the film Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. Bubs is dressed as the Person played by Clarence Clemons, legendary saxophonist for Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. The other two Most Important People were played by Martha Davis of The Motels and Fee Waybill of The Tubes.
  • Strong Sad's David Bowie costume is inspired by the cover of the 1973 Bowie album Aladdin Sane.
  • The dripping towel noise is the same as the dripping faucet noise from Main Page 14.
  • The three items for sale by Pom-Pom and the Poopsmith are:
  • The Cheat is dressed as Sigmund from the 1970s children's television show Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, produced by the legendary team Sid and Marty Krofft.
  • The King Of Town is dressed as The Mayor of Halloweentown, from the 1993 Tim Burton film The Nightmare Before Christmas. (As is the ability to turn his whole head around and turn it into a sad face.)
  • The "is in" sign hanging from the bandstand for the Chorus of Autumnal Vegetable is a reference to Lucy's psychiatric help booth in the Peanuts comic strips.
  • When the orange sign first appears, it reads:
Halloween Festival
Coach Z's Haunted
Haunted Haikus
w/ Strong Sad
Bobbing for Apples
However, when the sign appears again before zooming in on the Coach Z part, it reads:
Halloween Fairstival
Coach Z's Haunted
Haunted Haikus
w/ Strong Sad
Bobbing for Apples("apples" is crossed out)
  • The "locka-room" may be a reference to Teen Girl Squad, wherein phrases such as "Unda-Wears" appear.
  • Strong Bad's series of belching sounds may be a reference to Teen Girl Squad Issue 7, in specific the part in which the large wrestler lands upon little Cheerleader, punctuated by several of Strong Bad's belching noises.
  • Blue Star Ointment is a product used for ringworm and jock itch. It's frequently seen on the US version game show The Price is Right.
  • This is the first time The Goblin hasn't appeared in a major Halloween toon.
  • At the end when you click on Homestar he says, "So I've got that going for me. Which is nice." This line is spoken by Carl Spackler, the groundskeeper in the film Caddyshack, whom he is dressed as. This line also appears in Peasant's Quest if you try to make Rather Dashing eat or drink.
  • "Grody old man remedies" may also refer to Peasant's Quest, in which the innkeeper has a closet full of "old man rub".
  • Homestar's breath-holding skill was first seen on the yearbook characters page.
  • "Philly Cheat-steak" is a reference to the popular sandwich "Philly Cheese Steak".
  • In A Decemberween Pageant, Strong Mad dressed as Lakers star Kobe Bryant. This year, the Lakers were beaten by The Detroit Pistons in the NBA championship. In this cartoon, Strong Mad dresses like Pistons star Ben Wallace.
  • When you click on Pom Pom, Coach Z will say "Big Boy, eh? I was gonna go with Andre 3000 myself." Big Boi and Andre 3000 are members of the band OutKast.
  • The Poopsmith's outfit is Lion-O, the main character from 80's Cartoon series Thundercats.
  • When Strong Mad turns around to leave at the end of the first scene, his jersey becomes mirrored.
  • At the end, when you click on Marzipan, Strong Bad says, "Hey Marzi ... I just can't wait for you to get on the road again ... and get hit by a school bus." This is a reference to the song "On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson, whose costume Marizpan wears.
  • When Strong Bad talks to the King of Town he does it in the style of a Strong Bad Email.
  • Homsar is dressed as Kumar, a character in the Wes Anderson film Bottle Rocket.
  • "Strong Bad-as Cesar Romero-as The Joker" is a reference to Pumpkin Carve-nival.
  • When Bubs says "Humminama-What?",that is a reference to Under Construction
  • The candles next to Strong Sad when he does his Haikus are from the seance in 3 Times Halloween Funjob

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