Talk:The Geddup Noise

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Revision as of 22:53, 27 September 2005 by Stux (Talk | contribs)
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We need to put the first SBemail that the geddup noise appeared in on the page. It's not the bet...--Nathand42 21:23, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Yup! I'm trying to track that down... this is the earliest instance I know of. And the first instance that I know it's being named. --Stux 21:30, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)
That's true. I'ma go work on that too.--Nathand42 21:47, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

I found it. - Joshua

Nice job. --Nathand42 23:26, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)
Hey, I added the geddup noise into the fun facts in Studying.--Nathand42 23:29, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)


Hey guys, I think more descriptive appearances would be more helpful!

For example: LEMKE lists specifically where we find its appearances. I may be alone on this but it may lead to a more rich article! It is a very easy thing to miss if you're not paying attention, so some guide that points where to listen to would be quite informative.

I know other entries such as Clapperboard, Strongbadia, and Homestar's Slippers merely list their appearances. However, these are either few, or really easy to pick up on. The entry Leomard_Sportsinterviews also lists specific entries since it's usually something hard to find too.

Let me know what you guys think.

--Stux 22:38, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)

I agree with Stux. — It's dot com 23:34, 26 Sep 2005 (UTC)
I disagree. It is very easy to find out where it appears by merely reading the transcript or using common sense: just look around for the times where Strong Bad stands up/sits down. - Joshua 02:32, 27 Sep 2005 (UTC)
I'm not so sure it's that straight forward. For the first emails that works great, but for the later emails, which are longer and more complex, it becomes more of an easter egg hunt. This is especially true since not all the times strong bad gets up or sits in the chair he gets a geddup noise. The duration of the noise isn't consistent either. I have noticed some points where it's a bit shorter than usual, almost easily missed. Having the information available helps the reader a lot in knowing where to find, or even count, the geddups! --Stux 03:32, 27 Sep 2005 (UTC)
But there's so many sightings, making descriptions for them all would be very space consuming and could deter the average browser. - Joshua
To minimize clutter, just make a table and keep the descriptions as short as possible. Put the table at the bottom where the casual user can skip it but the advanced user can read it should he or she desire. — It's dot com 16:21, 27 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Still Pending & Suggestions

Hi guys, I'm calling it the day but I wanted to leave these couple of notes:

  • I suggest that the "almost Geddups" (i.e. vacation and depressio) be listed separately, in their own category. There are other "almost Geddups" that can fit in that category if others feel up to the challenge of adding them (if it's appropriate at all to do so).
  • The list is not exhaustive. I have only managed to listen to a portion of the emails and skipped around a bit. My apologies for not mentioning that explicitly before. I am guessing that Joshua has done a systematic check on a lot of the emails. However, a "certificate" of sorts would be nice :).

I have checked the range 70-95 for certain. Though I would like to make a double check. Hopefully, if I have time, I will go through them all soon. Good night guys and good luck! --Stux 04:06, 27 Sep 2005 (UTC)

  • A certificate? Like, "Geddup noise approved?" We should get that and put it on any e-mails that have the Geddup Noise in them.


I have created a category named Category withing this discussion in order to discuss the possible category or categories this article should be in. Discuss.

  • To begin, I have really no idea what category this should be under. I looked at the list and all I could come up with was Items, and Running Gags. The only other alternative would be to create one called Sounds? or even the more abstract, "Personifications"? I added Running Gags cuz that's the most reasonable, and likely one. --Stux 22:53, 27 Sep 2005 (UTC)
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